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Book smart vs street smart is totally different.
Yes they are. However, you can't have the latter without the former.
When you go diggin for more you start thinking more. A big no no.
WTF? Surely you can't be serious.
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WTF? Surely you can't be serious.

How do you know her name is Shirley?


How do you know her name is Shirley?

It's a different kind of deducing..........................altogether.

It must be difficult to find the time to sleep and eat let alone find the time to study for your tests!

I think the best thing that will work for you is to have at least one person from your class over to your house just talking about EMS. The first few tests were hardest for me because the whole EMS lifestyle wasn't part of my life yet. I met a couple of good people from my class and we constantly meet up and talk EMS. We live EMS. For some of us, before this class, we hadn't incorporated the lifestyle at all. We didn't even know what it was. As time goes by, with the right discipline, you will be an EMS provider in the heart and in the mind. The key to that is to make it your lifestyle. Even if your closest friends are not in EMS, just tell them about what you are learning and that in itself will keep it going in your mind. After a while you wont even have to try to remember what you are learning because it will (naturally) become your nature. That is what does it for me, and I think that it will work for you as well.


Jazzypooh, please stop it before this thread gets locked. There is some sound advice here should the OP decide to investigate it further.

If your goal was to look stupid, congratulations! You succeeded.


Wolfeyes as others have done I have reread all posts including the crap that I and others wasted time responding to after your last post. Everyone gave you honest advice. Many even offered their time to try and help you. You say you have a learning disability but you never really give us information as to what type. Let us know what you are facing and dealing with.

Many on here are single mothers, older and just in school or barely out. I am an older man that has family etc and battling many health problems but I am making my way through Paramedic school. Others that have been in similar situations have given much good advice here to help. Give us more info and we can try and assist you better.

And regardless of the misplaced, but I am sure well meant, statement of some book smarts and street smarts go together. For your book smarts it may require extra effort and other methods of absorbing the material. But never stop your "book" education once you are certified. Never be satisfied with the basics. Always improve yourself and as a result you will improve your patients outcome.

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