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I hope Asy does not mind, but I did find this very interesting question in her blog which warrants further discussion as not everyone reads the blogs.

I am working on my own response but in the meantime, enjoy...

"They say every job has it's effect on the worker's life notions. For example, detectives suspect everyone. HUMINT recruiters and advertisers learn that we can all be bought for the right mental price. Ice cream truck sellers get used to seeing addicts everywhere.

EMS workers -- what are their imbalances in perception? Can we generalize and say certain characteristics go along with the average medic/emt etc.? What do you guys think..? "


We become cynical.

We realize there is another world behind the one that is shown for all.

We learn not to trust strangers.

We become humble, yet we get pissed when we're forgotten about.

Most of us are not afraid to take charge when the world is exploding.


According to those not in the world of EMS say we have a strange sense of humor. Yet that is such a strong survival mechanismthat the humor, strange as it may seem, keeps us going to the next call



Strange or sick? Albeit, I'll be the first to admit that I had a sick sense of humor even before working on an ambulance.


We walk through masses of people hoping none of them fall down so we don't have to lift them.

Social gatherings are used for airway/IV assessments.

Two relatively inocuous words drive us up the wall. "AMBULANCE" and "DRIVER".


We always gear up for the worst case scenario, however small the incident.


You never think your family is really sick, and when they are you think they are just using you like every other loser that really calls an ambulance, but they cannot help it that they live with you, and as EMS were in the mindset that "you do not need an ambulance, or me."


My strongest, and most lasting impression has been of the practical orientation of ems'ers.

During my Basic training I posted a question about anatomy and was surprised to see responses here that were about hypothetical treatment. Although I repeatedly tried to clarify that my question was about something that simply is - in a normal, healthy body - rather than a what-do-we-do-when question, I continued to receive "It doesn't matter because that won't change how you treat" answers. Finally an instructor across the country PM'd me and cleared up my perplexity in a phone call, but I had not been prepared to be so widely misunderstood.

The upside of this focus on results is of course when it's needed. On my first call, watching ems responders doing what I would have to call "thinking with their hands" impressed me greatly. Since, by definition, emergencies don't offer the leisure of speculation, I'm wondering whether a certain impulsiveness can't also slip into the character. The situations providers prepare for don't give much leeway for the other extreme of "Ready.... Aim... Aim.... Aim...."

People have also suggested that work concentrated on expressing bursts of energy may habituate practitioners to acute rather than chronic social styles, with surfeits of attentiveness compensated for by unexplained withdrawal, as opposed to, say, talk-therapists who have apparently endless stamina for exploring the why's and in-what-way's of interaction in their private lives as well.

Isn't it nice that we're structured so variously!


In a group, we've been told by waiters or restaurants managers to change our subject, other guests were complaining. Just discussing certain calls, it seems perfectly normal, apparently we're not normal.


Thanks everyone for the fascinating replies. I missed Michael's anatomy question. Is it still here on the website? Also, I like 4cmk6's second signature.

as not everyone reads the blogs.

Welcome to the time zone, Moderator 8).

Am flattered that you follow my weblog. Almost like being recognized..

Humbly awaiting your response,


P.S. : Basewarming greetings - enjoy the food.

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