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I have to do a presentation for my paramedic class on D50 and am in need of a little help. I have found lots of web sites that talk about the drug(indications, contraindications, side effects etc) but I am looking to find the history of D50(when it was discovered, when was it first used in the field etc). If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.


I'm afraid I couldn't answer your question without myself doing the research. However, I do want to say that this is a pretty cool project. Was it your idea, or an assigned topic? I mean seriously, I'd like to know who it was that first had the cojones to squirt sugar directly into the bloodstream, as well as how many people died from those first crude attempts. :lol:

Really, I like this kind of assignment! Having the kind of perspective you will get from this research can only serve to help you better understand exactly what you are doing, and why you are doing it exactly that way.

Plus 5! [i think that's fifteen or twenty points I've awarded today, I must be in a good mood or something. :? ]


It is part of our Pharm chapter/knowledge. My instructor has assigned everyone(17 of us) a specific medication used in the field we have to research it and present our findings to the class however we want. He left it completely open to us to decide how we want to do it. I am just struggling to find its (D50) history.

I mean seriously, I'd like to know who it was that first had the cojones to squirt sugar directly into the bloodstream, as well as how many people died from those first crude attempts. :lol:

I want to know who's the first guy who stood in front of a chicken and said, "You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna take that thing that just fell out of it's butt, crack it open, cook whatever's inside, and eat it."

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