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Why do they allow people to own knives? Man stabs 17 people.

Should we ban all knives?  

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    • Yes
    • No
    • Nice play on antigun sentiment

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You'd still think you could do more damage in 3 minutes . . . In crowded Tokyo, you can run by 17 people in less than one minute. Maybe the car crash drew attention, so everyone was already looking at him when he started stabbing, so they all fled instantly.

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This just proves that it would do no good to ban any item from honest people because someone intent on killing will find a way to do it.


banning guns first

banning knives now

What's next, baseball bats?, rope(garrots), cars which kill more people each year than guns, knives, baseball bats and ropes together.

You will have to pry my butter knife from my dead hands


While I definitely agree that this incident was completely unnecessary, I don't agree to the banning of knives. Knives are a tool that mankind has used, both beneficially and maliciously, since our species first learned that the sharper rocks could cut stuff. As we evolved, so too did the blade. To ban that kind of history, to me, is out of the question.

The worst thing of it all is that no matter what we ban, people will still kill people. And when we ban weapons, cars, chemicals, rope, foul language, unhappy thoughts and sudden movements, we'll have nothing left to blame but ourselves.


First it was 'ban the guns', then it was 'ban foul language', now someone is ACTUALLY proposing to ban knives....once the government has succeeded in 'protecting us from ourselves'...who is going to be able to 'protect' us from THEM?

I think we all need to just crawl into our protective 'bubbles' and that way no one can do anything to hurt anyone else, and it'll be all good.

This is a PRIME example of how the 'tree hugging/grass eating/feel good majority' is showing a COMPLETE lack of common sense!

Not all guns and knives ( contrary to the misguided beliefs of some of the 'lunatic frige'), are for killing humans!

I own several guns and knives and NONE of them have killed a single person, either by themselves or with the help of any 'human user'! Hell, I even owned a bow and a bunch of pointy arrows! And it's never killed anything that I didn't plan on putting in the freezer to eat at a later date. (*GASP*, yes, I am one of those 'low life scum' people that actually HUNT and eat MEAT!)

But then again, I already know that I must be some sort of 'social degenerate', because I believe in corporal punishment for kids, I don't believe in 'puppy psychics' and don't dress my cat in the latest Christian Dior pet fashions, nor do I think that our 'pets' should have more rights than the more highly evolved humans! (oh the horror of it all!)

C'mon people, it's time to pull your heads out of your collective asses and wake up to something called 'REALITY'!

  Lone Star said:
First it was 'ban the guns', then it was 'ban foul language', now someone is ACTUALLY proposing to ban knives....once the government has succeeded in 'protecting us from ourselves'...who is going to be able to 'protect' us from THEM?

I think we all need to just crawl into our protective 'bubbles' and that way no one can do anything to hurt anyone else, and it'll be all good.

This is a PRIME example of how the 'tree hugging/grass eating/feel good majority' is showing a COMPLETE lack of common sense!

Not all guns and knives ( contrary to the misguided beliefs of some of the 'lunatic frige'), are for killing humans!

I own several guns and knives and NONE of them have killed a single person, either by themselves or with the help of any 'human user'! Hell, I even owned a bow and a bunch of pointy arrows! And it's never killed anything that I didn't plan on putting in the freezer to eat at a later date. (*GASP*, yes, I am one of those 'low life scum' people that actually HUNT and eat MEAT!)

But then again, I already know that I must be some sort of 'social degenerate', because I believe in corporal punishment for kids, I don't believe in 'puppy psychics' and don't dress my cat in the latest Christian Dior pet fashions, nor do I think that our 'pets' should have more rights than the more highly evolved humans! (oh the horror of it all!)

C'mon people, it's time to pull your heads out of your collective asses and wake up to something called 'REALITY'!

Any deer meat??? Thats some good shit!


I agree with most everyone who says this is a play on banning guns. Knives and guns don't kill people; people with knives and guns kill people.

It is no different than locking your car or home. All a lock does is keep honest people honest.

Sane and rationale people are not the one's performing these ridiculous, psychotic acts that just illustrate to us how brutal and savage we can be to one another.

Hold individuals accountable for their own actions. The defense of "The gun/knife made me kill them your honor." is NO defense at all.

Next we will want to ban fast food for all the heart attacks is causes.


(*GASP*, yes, I am one of those 'low life scum' people that actually HUNT and eat MEAT!)

Lone lone lone, the only time I hunt for my food is when I am in the supermarket in the meat aisle hunting for the right cut of Steak for my primitive charcoal grill.

I have my entire family who loves to hunt and fish and although I don't like that wild game taste I have absolutely no problem with guns or knives in the home.

Next time we meet you need to bring me some deer jerky or something.

  Ruffems said:
(*GASP*, yes, I am one of those 'low life scum' people that actually HUNT and eat MEAT!)

Lone lone lone, the only time I hunt for my food is when I am in the supermarket in the meat aisle hunting for the right cut of Steak for my primitive charcoal grill.

I have my entire family who loves to hunt and fish and although I don't like that wild game taste I have absolutely no problem with guns or knives in the home.

Next time we meet you need to bring me some deer jerky or something.

You know Ruffles, if I had it, I would be more than happy to share! Unfortunately, since My house in Michigan was broken into, My rifle and bow have 'disappeared'....I haven't been able to get the rifle returned yet....the bow is long gone...

If I were able to find a place here in GA to pistol hunt, I'd be all over it!



OK, on that, I am kind of in the middle on this one. I eat venison every now and then, less than one time a year. I like it. However, I don't think I have the "heart" to kill the deer myself.

As for those who do hunt, all I can hope is that they kill only enough to feed themselves and family, not just for trophys for the wall. The trophy can come later.

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