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Brain needs sugar and oxygen, so no I would not withhold the dextrose. I might use a more dilute concentration, like D10, but not treating the problem will only make things worse.


*Try to calm and reassure patient, explain situation

*Maintain c-spine (duh) with collar

*Request ALS if not on an ALS unit or not already en-route

*Rapid physical exam

*Extrication; while taking into consideration and preparing any arterial and internal bleeding, especially of lower extremeties (femoral) when dashboard is rolled

*Consider medevac due to MOI, LOC and time out from closest hospital, especialy if said hospital is not a trauma center

*Have PD or other available personel question bystander on his initial findings of the incident

no etoh

bg is 70

can't remember when last ate

insulin 1 hour ago

VS - 140 pulse, cap refill 4, bp 80/60, RR 12 shallow, total GCS 10

Oh yea, I forgot about monitoring vitals.... :cry:


Local protocols here in New York City/New York State would have us putting the patient on O2 @ 10-15 LPM via Non Re-Breather (NRB) mask, not a Nasal Canula, unless the patient is unable to tolerate the NRB.

Other than that, I generally concur with treatments given, with me being unable to comment on ALS as I am BLS.

Brain needs sugar and oxygen, so no I would not withhold the dextrose. I might use a more dilute concentration, like D10, but not treating the problem will only make things worse.


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