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Spenac Offended by Mother Blaming Behavior On Disabled Kids

Was this bad parenting?  

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Like I said, I'm in agreement that Southwest kicked her off. She should not have been travelling with a Severely Autistic child and a CP child without HELP and LOTS of it.

What I'm saying is that like many other posts, many of the respondents have knee Jerk reactions that what they read in the newspaper and what they read here is the gospel truth and is to be believed without verification.

It's the same as some medic who is accused of something, that is just what it is a accusation and until proven it is only an accusation. But here on the city we immediately call for his death and the castration of said medic or emt and often times, it is ruled to not be a crime yet that medic's career is ruined.

I hope that makes it more clear.

Ruff I get where you are coming from but this womans own statements show she does not care. I wish I could find the first interview where she blamed the behavior on the disabled kids. If I had not heard it from her lips I would have been thinking perhaps this was a bit overboard, but this lady has no clue.

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Ruff I get where you are coming from but this womans own statements show she does not care. I wish I could find the first interview where she blamed the behavior on the disabled kids. If I had not heard it from her lips I would have been thinking perhaps this was a bit overboard, but this lady has no clue.

I hear what you are saying. I hate parents who say It's not my fault, it's the kids. I just can't control them.

I can attest from personal experience, my son wanted a stuffed animal at the airport kiosk. I told him he couldn't have one and he melted down. I went to pick him up and he became jello. I put him down and told him to stay there till he was finished.

I overheard a woman say "That dad's a real idiot, can't even control his own kid" You can imagine what I said to her. I won't repeat it but after I let her know what she should have said she did apologize.

What I find so frustrating with society today is that immediately it's not our fault yet it's someone elses.

Case in point, a mother in jacksonville who after being told that her son was part of a group who committed a string of robberies said this (I'll try to quote best I can) "He's a really good boy, he must have gotten in with the wrong crowd. He's not like that at all" or something like that. Unfortunately, the gun was found in his waisteband, the car was his that they used to get away and the two victims that were shot, were shot by the gun in his pants and witnesses said that he was the shooter. Wrong crowd huh?

I consider myself a good dad, a loving dad but sometimes kids can drive you to the brink of just saying "F it" and if you don't know how to deal with those feelings you often just say F it and walk away.


Ruff I agree with you kids at times can really try our patience.

I really think you hit the nail on the head when you asked why she was traveling alone with so many kids, especially 2 with special needs. But one of the interviews actually includes her sister or sister-in-law that also was removed from the flight. Apparently she was of no help in this matter either. So really seems these kids were out of control. This was not just one fit.


Having been a Flight Attendant before I was furloughed back after 9/11, I can honestly say....30,000 ft is NOT the place for disruptive kids and idiot parents who refuse to take care of said kids. I've worked several flights where kids have been left to their own accord with no entertainment. The flight crew are NOT babysitters. If you know you're going to be on a long flight with children...disabled or not, come prepaired. Pack a freakin' Gameboy or something!


I am in total agreement with all that unruly or disruptive kids are not appropriate for airline travel.

Travelling with two disabled kids without the help you need is a recipe for disaster or in this persons case, a recipe for a stay at MOtel 6

I flew last week with a young boy who at times would scream out and yell and then silence. The grandfather who was with him controlled him but let me tell you, at 11pm at night when the passengers are sleeping and then to have little Johnny Yells a Lot on the plane, it causes many people to wake up and become angry. I was one of them.

the flight attendant went to the grandfather and told him to keep the child from screaming and he told her "I can't control him" the attendant said, "that's not our problem but you are disrupting the flight of 123 other passengers so please try to keep your child quiet"

I applaud the flight attendants for their jobs and what they go through. I would not want their jobs. I've seen flight attendants cussed at, spit on, pushed and threatened. Each time that they have had the above happen there have always been state troopers or police officers awaiting the dumbass stupid enough to threaten the flight attendant and usually a pair of shiny new hand er bracelets were waiting for them.

Bottom line, if you have a disabled child, you do what's right, it's not fair to deny them travel but if they are disruptive to the point of disrupting the flight then there is no way that you can let them fly.

Like I said, I'm in agreement that Southwest kicked her off. She should not have been travelling with a Severely Autistic child and a CP child without HELP and LOTS of it.

What I'm saying is that like many other posts, many of the respondents have knee Jerk reactions that what they read in the newspaper and what they read here is the gospel truth and is to be believed without verification.

So am I not supposed to take a direct quote from the mother as gospel?


Yes, you need to take everything that is reported in the media as gospel. If we all did that we'd be a more complacent group of citizens.


So are you saying that the news paper made up the quote then to fill up a line?

Frankly, the story seems pretty clear cut. Mother with a fair amount of children including 2 special needs gets on the airplane with a relative. Parent+relative can't keep control of the kids. Airline kicks the group off at the next airport. Remove any one of those three elements and there is no story. Now throw in a quote from the mother saying, in essence, "Boys will be boys," and I don't think that there's really much left to doubt or hyperbole.


I wasn't arguing that point. I am always skeptical of direct quotes in newspapers. They can be taken out of context. How many times have what political candidates say been taken completely out of context.

It's pretty easy to take things out of context.

But I'll grant your point JP. Direct quotes have a certain credence but I do not trust the media nor do I care to. They have proven over and over again that they report things to sell news papers and nothing more.

This post really gets my blood boiling on two points.

1. The holier than thou attitudes of people on this board.

2. The parent for flying by themselves with 4 kids, one with CP and the other with Autism.

I have many friends who have children with autism. Many of them are well behaved yet others have such severe autism that they cannot be controlled and often leads to discussions of institutionalization.

Of the 4 or so who have posted on this so far, do any of you have children? If not then you really have no freaking grounds to complain or even begin to think you know what the parenting style or how good a parent is just by a darn news story.

If you have children and they have never gotten out of control or thrown a tantrum in public then I applaud you yet I'd be questioning your parenting. Are you too strict, do you beat your children into submission and fear so bad that they don't act out or just act like kids because they are too afraid of what you'll do to them when they get home.

Due to this thread and how it's taken a turn towards bad parenting I suspect that all of you who posted here don't have kids, wouldn't know what a child is unless it sat on your laps and called you daddy.

Why are we so judgemental on this forum and that immediately we have knee jerk reactions to news stories like this.

I'm sick of this type of posting.

I am going to take issue with you on this; however, allow me to spin my point of view in a different direction if you will. I suspect the concerns of the airline went beyond a child that is simply screaming. We have all been on flights where the kiddos were upset. While annoying, the situation is not dangerous.

However, when you have people wandering around an aircraft where they cannot be controlled, then you have a safety issue. Even though we are talking about little kiddos, even a little one could potentially create a highly dangerous situation. Obviously, somebody thought the actions of the kiddos placed the crew and other passengers in a potentially dangerous situation.

Sorry mom; however, safety has to come first. However, if the kids were simply screaming, then mom may have a case.

Take care,


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