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Spenac Offended by Mother Blaming Behavior On Disabled Kids

Was this bad parenting?  

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    • Children should be allowed to do whatever they want.

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He's just letting it all out like his CISD counsellor told him to.

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I don't spank my child because he raises hell and screams at the top of his lungs because he can't focus. I remove him from the stimulation.

Don't get me wrong, if Matty hears me tell him not to do something, looks at me knowing he will be in trouble if he disobeys me, and willingly does it anyway without regard to the consequences, than he will suffer the consequences. I will apply the hand of learning to the seat of knowledge.

I just refuse to punish him for his illness, and after all this time, I can tell when it's him or his illness acting out. I want to send out the message of what is right and what is wrong. I also need to temper that with teaching him to be understanding of other people and their differences. I would be a hypocrite to teach him to be understanding to other people with disabilities if I punish him for his.

I'm not perfect, and I'm not wonder-woman. My kid is a royal handful. I'm lucky to have the support of his grandparents and of his new step-father. My mother is a stay-at-home grandma, only working weekends. She has been a psychiatric nurse for nearly as long as I've been alive. Her early recognition of his problems and determination to create a happy child that isn't a zombie has been instrumental in his continued success. She is the real hero in Matty's life.

I'll pass the very kind PM off to her. :D


I wonder what mom does for a living? I wonder if there's a dad in the picture? If she's a single mother. Perhaps whomever is watching the children while mom works isn't teaching them what society considers appropriate behavior. I very much doubt the mother was capable of educating her kids on this, especially after the comments made in the paper. Even if she does, the extra time and patience she must have for those kids would probably make others rip their hair out. I can sympathize with her having children with disabilities, but did anyone think of her daily situation at home with the children? Hard to pass judgement having not been in her shoes.

Mind you, I am in agreement with the airline because having the kids running in the isles is just plain dangerous to not only the kids, but to other passengers and the flight attendants.

What if there was a passenger who doesn't have any patience and suffers from a short fuse? He/she starts yelling at the kids and at mom, mom yells back, flight attendants try to dissolve the tempers, and now the entire flight is feeling restless, including the possible air marshals on board, who will ultimately have to jump in if violence broke out.......... Sounds far fetched? Not really..... that's why they're kicked off the plane. :D

And no, Ruff, I don't have kids. :wink:


Laura Anne, great post. I think that was the reason why I was so disappointed at the initial responses to this story posted.

No-one knows anything more than what was posted in the article and to immediately attack her parenting skills was what I took exception from.

Not the fact that Southwest kicked them off, I agree with that.

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