firedoc5 Posted July 8, 2008 Posted July 8, 2008 Saturday night I get a phone call from my brother about a family friend of ours that wasn't expected to last through the night, which he didn't. After a few phone calls Sunday and today this is what I learned. About a week and a half ago our friend, Joe, went to the doctor with a bite. Joe had a Masters in Nursing and a PhD. in Theology, so he knew what kind of bite it was. At first the doc didn't think it was a Brown Recluse because he didn't think there was too much tissue damage, only what appeared to be a "boil". After some blood work came back the doc wanted to admit him but he declined. Being a nurse and all he just asked for whatever prescriptions he needed and he'd take care of it at home. But last Monday evening he went into convulsions. An ambulance took him to the local hospital, then he was air-lifted to Evansville, IN. It was there that they concluded that for some reason the venom did not only penetrate the skin and muscle, but had somehow got directly into his blood system, causing blood poisoning. By that time it was too late. He was in a coma. The infection had reached his brain. All they could do was make him comfortable. Evidently when he was bit it had to have been directly into a vein. That is one reason there was not more damage to the soft tissue as it would normally have been. He was in his early sixties, but looked and acted more like a 40 yr. old.
chbare Posted July 8, 2008 Posted July 8, 2008 Sounds very strange? With systemic toxicity I would expect to see renal failure and DIC in addition to the neurological signs and symptoms you described. Was a C&S performed? Many people diagnosed with necrotic spider bites actually have MRSA. I am sorry to hear that he died. Take care, chbare.
chbare Posted July 8, 2008 Posted July 8, 2008 I am sorry for your loss. Indeed. Thoughts and prayers go out. Take care, chabre.
jsadin Posted July 8, 2008 Posted July 8, 2008 Very sorry to hear about your loss. What a terrible tragedy...
firedoc5 Posted July 8, 2008 Author Posted July 8, 2008 Thank you all. I really appreciate the condolences. I don't think it's really hit me just yet. His neighbor that I talked to said that she has some of his stuff. One thing is a blanket my grandmother had given him. She is keeping it to give to me. I just hope I don't break down when I go to get it.
DwayneEMTP Posted July 8, 2008 Posted July 8, 2008 Dito FD5, I'm sorry you've lost your friend. Prayers for him and those that loved him from the Womacks in CO. But I also have to agree...nothing in your story says spider, particularly gray/brown recluse. I think you should dig deeper.... Dwayne.
Richard B the EMT Posted July 8, 2008 Posted July 8, 2008 I also add my condolences. I also have a request for a translation of "DIC" and "C&S". I might know these terms under different semantics, which is why I make frequent requests for not using abbreviations here. There is no real standard usage, between counties, states/provences, or countries.
scott33 Posted July 8, 2008 Posted July 8, 2008 Tragic. Sorry for your loss I also have a request for a translation of "DIC" and "C&S". "Disseminated intravascular coagulation" and "Culture and Sensitivity" [wound] I would have thought...
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