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Call to report of possible OD. Arriving at the scene, 16yr. old male laying in the street with several family members on top of him, trying to restrain him. Very familiar with the family,(OD's, assaults, stabbings, shootings, etc.) Family members yelling, "He took a bunch of valium!", over and over again. Patient big for his age, 6'0", 100 K's. I'm not exagerrating when saying he was digging his finger nails into the asphalt. According to other family members just prior to his "fit" he was threatening suicide. Police and fire on the scene took over attempting to restrain him. He was continuously screaming, but unintelligible. The usual kicking. Placed in handcuffs. and placed face first onto stretcher. Still unknown substance abused, but definitely not valium. Unable to obtain vitals.


about 8 years ago I had something similar to this....."mary jane" (lol) was getting laced with meth on the street......Pt was speaking in his own language, diaphoretic, combative, spitting, yada yada. we had a few weeks of hell with this crap.


At that time we had reports of some "bad cut coke" and that's what came to mind first. Did attempt to roll him over once, big mistake. Had five police & fire holding him. He was incredibly strong (hint, hint). Totally unable to even think about an IV. At the time we did not carry Thorazine. Because of this one call we did afterwards.

PCP!! Place on back and restrain to stretcher.

Ding, ding, ding. You're a winner. Got him to the hospital. Nurse tried to get in between everybody to inject 100mg. Thorazine. Wound up I took the syringe from him and just jabbed him in the thigh through his jeans. Did very little. He did calm down enough to get him on his back and into restraints. At one point he strained so hard against the restraints and broke his arm in two places. Feeling no pain.


I had a similar call about 13 years ago, except the patient went into cardiac arrest and stayed that way. Never restrain someone face down. Once they are in restraints, roll them over.


Was 100mg enough?

ONe of my ex-partners got his leg broken by a pcp strung out addict.

Agitated, combative, handcuffed, face down on stretcher. Hmmm....do we roll him over before or after he arrests? :)

If not hog tied face down does no harm, just like a person sleeping on their stomach. Makes it harder for them to fight, spit, etc.

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