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Considering I live on my cell phone either talking or texting mostly texting, I always look for a quiet place to talk. I take a lot of pics on my cell but its mostly of stupid things my friends are doing or the sky or the weather.

Michael where do you come up with all this stuff you post me I google get tired if its not right there in the first 3 lines lol.

I have seen this more and more. I'm in the airport and in the bathroom doing whatever I do and invariably I see people walking in talking on their cell phones.

Does anyone see a problem with that.

sorry for the TMI factor for the next:

As a matter of fact, one night at around 1045 pm I was in a stall doing my business and a guy got in the stall next to mine. He said "HI how ya doin" and I was surprised, I said "Pretty good" he then said, "how was your day" and I said fine and he said "No honey, it's some assH03le sitting next to me" well I was pissed.

So I loudly said "God dangit look at the size of that Turd that Asshole left in this stool"

The guy immediately said Bye.

He wasn't very happy.

Does anyone else make nasty comments in the bathroom if someone is on their phone?

You should have said... "Is that your wife?.. You're Married....? You haven't told her about us?" :twisted:


I just have problems with people constantly talking on cell phones in public in general. You can't go anywhere without having someone that just has to carry on a conversation no matter what they are doing. And if someone is talking and having to multi-task, and not doing a very good job of it, is what really get's to me. I use to leave the house to get away from the phone, so I'm not all that thrilled to carry one everywhere I go, so sometimes I don't.

And people driving and talking on a phone that isn't using a hands-free device, that sometimes just infuriates me. How many times have we had accidents and the driver explained they were messing with the radio or CD/Tape/ 8-track, whatever? Now they are trying to do the same thing with those distractions along with fumbling with a phone.

OK, jumping off my little box.


using the cell phone in the restroom gives a whole new meaning to shi&&^itty reception.


The worst are the tiny bluetooth ear pieces. People will look right at you while having a conversation, and when you assume they're talking to you and respond to what they say, they look at you like you're an idiot.

I guess I'm old school, but I'm just not a phone guy. My typical cell phone conversation lasts about 45 seconds, and I've never come close to using all my minutes. I worked with a new partner recently who yammered on his phone every minute we didn't have a patient on board, even responding to jobs. I just can't understand people who feel the need to talk that much.

I just can't understand people who feel the need to talk that much.

I was born talking and will probally die talking I love to talk so I am doing my share of talking and yours too anything to help a brother out eh? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Besides if I am on the other side of the conversation and hear a loud fart followed by plop plop I will never answer if you call again.

I can only hope that if your ever in that situation that your friend on the phone isnt in the stall next to me... :twisted:


I do think its weird and rude...

But not just talking on the phone, talking in general. Well, unless you their with your kid or something. Just the other day I walked into a restroom at work and was greeted by loud grunting and straining, followed by a, "come on you little bastard." Needless to say I went to another restroom.

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