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Hey guys, i will soon be taking the NR-EMT and i plan to pass it. it may sound cocky, but ive really dedicated my free time to knowing the material and applying it in class. i plan on entering paramedic school soon (if u must comment on that, post on my thread in the training forum please) and i was wondering if i should go out for a transport job as BLS or work some where more stationary. What can i do as an entry level EMT-B in the hospital system? i know that emt-b's can be ER techs, but what does that mean?

sorry for all the questions, but im determined to get this ball moving.

thanks for the input


Techs around here are usually low man on the totem pole. They get stuck doing the stuff that nurses don't want to do ex. collecting urine and feces specimens, bedpans, vomit etc etc. It is definitely a good experience and will most likely help you get to know the nurses and staff in the ER (which doesn't hurt as a medic/EMT because if they like you, they tend to be more helpful.) Myself, I got a job as an EMT so I could get comfortable with the duties and how things work on the truck before I take the Medic class. I learned that a lot of people will snub their nose at you if you are a Medic and don't even know how things work. I guess they feel that you should put in your time just like everyone else. (I know its not right and not everyone feels that way) I can see the point though. Medics are ultimately responsible for what happens on the truck and that includes what the EMT does. If you as a medic don't know what the EMT should be doing, it could be trouble. My advise for taking the NREMT....know your terms...well. Good Luck! :(


Welcome to the world of EMS. Whether you get a job at an ER or not you need to at least run part time or get involved with a volunteer ambulance serv. What you learn in class and the ER, and experience in the field can go hand in hand if you are wanting a well rounded EMS education. One guy I use to teach with said to listen in class and learn in the field. But I think you need to listen and learn in the class and learn and listen in the field. You'll do fine.

  • 3 weeks later...

Congrats on almost being done with school. In some hospitals, an ER tech is basically a glorified CNA. In others, they are treated much better. When I was a tech, I got in pretty good with a few of the PA's and nurses and they treated me really well, especially knowing I was going to further my education in nursing school. I am not sure which area you are from, but as a tech I made more than I could have on the road. A lot of ER's want to see you have your IV cert also, so I would get that done as soon as possible. Good luck to ya!

  • 1 month later...

I work in the ED and I love it. Pays better than what I would make on the truck (AMR and Acadian are the only ones that higher Basics in Austin) and I know that I am learning a lot more than I would if I were working for a transport service.

A quick list of my duties, off the top of my head:

Making beds

Drawing blood (straight stick, but the few paramedic techs start lines when we're slammed)

Cleaning pee and poop off patients

Patient comfort issues (fetching blankets, water/ice chips if not NPO)

Stocking supplies

Making beds

Helping restrain/keep an eye on combative intox/psych/in-custody patients

Compressions during codes (bagging too, until Resp. shows up)

Putting in/taking out Foley caths

Vital signs


Dressing wounds

EKG monitor lead placement

Making beds

Setting up Suture/LP/Chest Tube/Whatever trays

Assisting with Suture/LP/Chest Tube/misc. sterile procedures

Chaperoning doctors/nurses with certain types of patient

Helping bring patients from the helipad

Sitting in the triage window recept-ing (something techs probably shouldn't do when RNs are available)

Translating (only one in the dept. that's full spanish bilingual, except for one of the registration gals :D )

Running to and from lab with stuff they're afraid will spill in the tube system (blood, CSF, poop)

Making beds

And finally, the most important one of all: Being an extra set of hands. Because that is what being an ER tech is all about. Just as a large part of the nurses' job is to be the hands that carry out the MDs' orders, your job is to do what the nurses and MDs tell you. Honestly, you're pretty much a scutmonkey as a tech. However, few of the staff will treat you that way, especially since you're an EMT (some of the staff will be jaded by working with CNAs at best, lay-volunteers-turned-techs at worst).

That's probably the hardest part of being a tech, and one of the things they won't really outright teach you: it can be a difficult thing to balance wanting to be as helpful as possible to the folks with licenses, with not letting yourself be taken advantage of or treated disrespectfully.

Still, don't let me scare you: it's a blast. The patients often love you, since you're the one bringing warm blankets and not sticking them with needles as often as everyone else. It's an amazing learning environment, both in terms of your co-workers and the variety and sheer quantity of patients you will see. No one should be a tech as a career, but it's a great intro to the field to see if caring for patients is really your thing, as well as dealing with the icky stuff that comes with EMS.

You asked this question a few months back: did you get the job? How's it going?

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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