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I'm sorry. I have to... (the N word)

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How is it the a white person says "nappy" and gets fired but a black person drops the "N" bomb, and Sharpton doesn't incite a riot as he usually does??

I'm really at a loss here. These two peach about bringing out the best in the black race and yet, they drop the "N" bomb. Both of them have been guilty of this. WTF???? It is so frustrating that what's good for them, isn't good for us. I can guarentee you if a white person said it, they'd be fired!

Edited for title - admin

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The one thing that bothers me is that these two Reverends haven't been exactly preaching. When was that last time you heard either one of them say, "JESUS is the answer to all our problems"? I don't believe that I have, ever. They only "talk" about Civil Rights and social problems. When was the last time either one actually preached a sermon on salvation?

I'll stop for now.

The one thing that bothers me is that these two Reverends haven't been exactly preaching. When was that last time you heard either one of them say, "JESUS is the answer to all our problems"? I don't believe that I have, ever. They only "talk" about Civil Rights and social problems. When was the last time either one actually preached a sermon on salvation?

I'll stop for now.

I here ya. Everything they "preach" is about how blacks are oppressed by the whites, but never any references to God or Jesus, or even Allah for that matter. But what gets me is how they went after Imus, but it's all good for Jackson because he apologized!! I don't get why people still support thesetwo ignorant morons!!!


It's a form of "reverse racism" and not practicing what they do preach.


It's like any rule or policy, enforce it all the time for everyone, or do away with it. It does no good for little kids, (white, black, or mauve) to hear someone say "You can't say this word." Just to hear it uttered by people who are supposed to advocate tolerance.


That one's super easy (as explained to me).

Historically, blacks were called similar derogatory terms by whites, so blacks started using the N word for each other so whites couldn't use it against them and to toughen them up. It was a defense mechanism, like the "Your mom" jokes. There's much history there.



Ok, then if they're going to constantly use the slur, then they need to expect other people to use the slur as well. I grew up hearing the word "polak" from my dad (I'm 1/4 Polish from his side with a Polish last name). Technically, he's bad for using it and I'm supposed to be offended by this racial slur (ok, being a European Mutt, I'm supposed to be 1/4 offended). Honestly, I couldn't care less. So, either they need to simply not care if someone using the N word (or something that sounds similar, i.e. niggardly), or they need to stop using it all together.


Ok, then if they're going to constantly use the slur, then they need to expect other people to use the slur as well. I grew up hearing the word "polak" from my dad (I'm 1/4 Polish from his side with a Polish last name). Technically, he's bad for using it and I'm supposed to be offended by this racial slur (ok, being a European Mutt, I'm supposed to be 1/4 offended). Honestly, I couldn't care less. So, either they need to simply not care if someone using the N word (or something that sounds similar, i.e. niggardly), or they need to stop using it all together.

Speaking of "polaks", I worked with a guy with the last name of Kaminsky. We just called him "Ski". One day, in joking of course, I think we were playing poker. One of the guys said to him, "You dumb polak!" Ski turned and said, "My name is spelled with an Y, not an I. I'm Lithuanian." So Ray just corrected himself and said, "You dumb Lithuanian!" We couldn't help but laugh.

Can't we all just get along?

I know a lot of minorities, which I'm sure almost everyone here does also, but many of those can actually have a sense of humor when just kidding around. One of my best friends I had in the Navy was a big black guy, 6'4" 240 lbs. He's the one that explained to me that there is a difference between a black man and a "N". He'd see guys walking around and would label them. Of course a white guy could never do that without having consequences, legally and/ or physically.

I personally have had the very bad habit of using the term "n-riggin' " I guess I picked it up working with my father in the oil field. But I've done better. :roll: I'm so ashamed. :oops: :D


It's racist to use the N word but what do the black community call us white folks . . .Honkies.

Today's slang is Crackers / krackers so I'm told by some 20 yr olds.

Either way you call it, even though racism will never die, many people will just because of what happened in 1963 and 1967. If you don't know google the name NAACP.

Ok, then if they're going to constantly use the slur, then they need to expect other people to use the slur as well.
Yes, they do expect it, just like they originally expected it back in the day. It doesn't absolve from responsibility not to use the racial slur, just like it didn't absolve them way back in the day.

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