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So, if you are a Boston FF, the punishment for fraud is to get your job back ? There has got to be more to this story than reported.


At least with most disability fraud cases, the suspect gets caught helping a friend move, or not using the wheelchair in a back alley to take a leak. This guy thought he could maintain his secret by... competing in a public event. With media and photographers and cameras.

I miss the days when I thought people were smart.


Obviously, if he can pose, he can walk and go inspect fire scenes. Doesn't look like his back is bothering him too much after all... but maybe he's no longer able to pass the physical fitness tests in the proper amount of time? I'm confused.





Maybe I should be totally disabled. I mean my back hurts when I'm at work, that power cot just doesn't help. Climbing mountains, working on my house, and............... well those are therapeutic activitys. Really I can't do my job. :twisted:

How much more BS can I make it? I still don't think I could make it as much BS as this guys.


I have some vague memories of something similar, with an FDNY fire fighter. Not body building, but a run up the stairs from the ground floor to the top floor.

...Of the Empire State Building?

Press Corps?

Letterman appearance?

Dumb guy?

I think so.


update to the story: The boston Firechief told the dumbass er I mean Firefighter that he had to show up for work today.

He was a no-show. the fire chief can now go after this dumb er I mean firefighter for termination.



Take it from someone who is a disabled FF/ Paramedic, this guy is a joke. I have a hard enough time every single day to just do things around the house. Do you think I'm going to train to be physically elite? I've had to give up golf and bowling. And if anyone who knows me, for me to give up bowling is giving up a whole lot. It took me 6 1/2 yrs. to get my disability. They really make you jump through hoops to just apply for it. Guys like this p!ss me off to no end. Believe it or not, I'm shaking.

I've had guys think that I'm lucky to be paid while not working. Believe me, I would much rather be doing the job I was trained to do than sitting around and doing house work. It took me a long time to adjust and to accept doing the "Mr. Mom" jazz.

I'll stop, but I could go on and on.


what is funny is that his Quack, I mean doctor said he had no idea he was a body builder. His doc er Quack called him a scam artist. That's the pot calling the kettle black

did the doc even look at the guy without his shirt or pants on. It's hard to fathom that his medicine man, er doctor would not have surmised this guy was a body builder.

The doc has had 25 firefighters go on disability with 21 of them granted full disability.

I'll bet you didn't know this either, at the Boston Fire department, if you are covering for a captain or a asst chief and you get injured then you qualify for their level of disability pension. So if you are working today as a captain and you simply are a firefighter(being paid at 36K a year) and you are injured while covering for that captain then you get paid out at their salary level which might be 65K a year. So you get 75% of that captains salary just because you got injured covering for that captain.

How's that for perks?


Yes I saw that Ruff, and ironically, did you notice that dozens of the disability claims occurred while they were acting in an "out of rank" position?

For example, a Captain was working as a BC behind a desk and suffered a disability. Amazing how all these serious injury cases occurred in the office while working out of rank were with senior FD members (ones nearing retirement or been in long enough to retire).

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