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beginning site - not much there. paramedicspace seems DRT.

links to other sites like that will probably get deleted.

but a nice start

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It was an ok website. I did not look at the page or realize that it is being redone. It was alright. There was not a chat I think they are putting one in.

It is nice to have more than one place to go. It will likely get deleted.


Some people would need a WIDE screen for there egos...I mean profile....

Some people would need a WIDE screen for there egos...I mean profile....

No kidding. I've seen a few Spaces where it was like a whole production from Hollywood. Why?


I have a myspace page, had it for years actually. I just keep it set to private, just so people like you baby-boomers don't sit and complain about some young emt's myspace page having a skull n cross bones theme. Myspace is not what defines my skills as an emt. :thebirdman:

I have a myspace page, had it for years actually. I just keep it set to private, just so people like you baby-boomers don't sit and complain about some young emt's myspace page having a skull n cross bones theme. Myspace is not what defines my skills as an emt. :thebirdman:

Why you young whipper snappers are destroying the world. In my day day if we wanted to know someone we asked them we didn't go to your face dot com. Hell we did'n't even know dot com. I also walked uphill both ways to school and back home barefoot in the snow. :lol:

But I really do not have myspace, facebook, etc. Why? Because my ugly mug would scare everyone away. :lol:


zonk~ Its not so much that the page defines your skills... its more so that it defines you. And thats not a bad thing dont get me wrong... but if joe public sees something they dont like and that your a public servant, it can cause harm. It may not even be something distastefull, people these days are more than capable of picking apart, misconstruing and overanalyzing things (Im one of thoes types :twisted: ). Now, I dont mean that as a personal attack against you what-so-ever... I realize you said your profile is private. Just pointing out the ever-so-obvious that joe public still does not accept the EMS community as human beings. One other thing though a private profile dosnt even mean anything these days... Ive had co-workers (who are FREINDS) ask me about things Ive said, even though its not accessable to general public, perfectly legal and not even a violation of any kind of regulations, sop's or sog's. My own uncle once thought I was suicidal just because of some music and things that I like, and he reported that to my damn mother... Im freaking 23 years old!!!!

I keep one to keep up with friends who have moved away or are off in Iraq and Afghanastan, alot are Marines. But thats about it. And from lessons learned I dont even talk to family and co-workers on there, nor do I place proffesional/employment info on there... its simply a glorified email for old buddies. Just a personal choice though, not saying anyone should follow. They all know where, when and how to get ahold of me, thats enough.

Other than that I tottally agree with Spenac. There really is no formality in this country anymore. Courteous greetings have even become, unnessecarry small talk. I went to Westover Airforce Base a little while back with one of my NCO's and the MP at the gate greeted us... my NCO just kinda told him to screw off with the "small talk."

Hell, Ive gone to businesses for applications or to submit my resume' and they either have me fill out an app on their computer or tell me to go home (or the library to do it). I understand that some jobs are competative and its more efficiant to organize dozens if not hundreds of applications electronically... but there is absoloutley no formality. What ever happened to fist impressions? Yea they arnt always accurate, but Im not going to hire someone who cant put on some nice clothes to fill out an application. And I wouldnt hire someone that just comes in and says, "hey uh, you hiring?" Discriminatory? I dont think so, I wouldnt make judgement on someone based on what they are wearing or who they are... but if they cant conduct themselves in a proffesional manner for 5-45 minutes of 24 hours, then Im not interested. And how can you get that first impression through an email? Aside from a well put together resume? The resume could look great, but the person could be a total scumbag and then youve wasted 45 minutes on an interview, when you could have figured it out in 5 minutes of them dropping off an application.

For that matter there isnt even proffesionalism in interviews today. I see people leave and enter (PROFFESIONAL, not retail) job interviews wearing jeans and maybe a polo shirt at the most. Hear I am sweating my @$$ off wearing a button-down, long-sleeved shirt, tie and slacks with fresh polish on the shoes. Maybe thoes people had proffesional atitudes... thats great and most important, but again, cant wear something nice for 5-45 minutes... why bother?

Electronics are killing us. Our atitudes towrds other people no less... thats pretty sad.

I have a myspace page, had it for years actually. I just keep it set to private, just so people like you baby-boomers don't sit and complain about some young emt's myspace page having a skull n cross bones theme. Myspace is not what defines my skills as an emt. :thebirdman:

Naw, I think skull & cross bones are kewl. I don't' have a problem with it. And I don't think anyone here would. Now at one time we had someone with a user's name of Bloodbath here. It wasn't a problem, it was just enquired about how they thought it up.


well, I wish I could have the skulls and crossbones on my facebook account. lol. :walk:

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