Eydawn Posted August 12, 2008 Posted August 12, 2008 It's been one of those weeks. I guess the thing that's bothering me the most right now is trying to process losing Carolyn, one of my SAR team members. I've lost people in my life before... but for some reason, her death is hitting me very hard. I think it was because it was so sudden and I didn't find out until a few days after it happened. I dunno. I'm feeling kind of lost right now. My one year evaluation at work, while mostly positive, contained phrases like "Sometimes seems disrespectful to management" and "Fails to display a can-do cheery attitude" (regarding a proposed situation that threatened client safety... I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to display a can-do cheery attitude when I'm trying to tell management that the outing they have planned is unsafe. Maybe I'm supposed to smile and say "I think this is a TERRIBLE idea, but let's just give it a go! I'm sure we can make it work! Never mind the fact that supervising two high needs clients in a swimming pool needs two staff... I'm sure I can just let one drown while I focus on the other!" :roll:) I'm sick, I'm burnt out from the summer semester, and I just feel like I don't have any reserves at the moment. And I really am glad that my supervisor discussed some things with me during my review and actually listened... but there was stuff in there that was completely ridiculous. Apparently I'm not adaptable or flexible... they thought I didn't want to work at the SO house at all. I put in that house as my TOP CHOICE for availability not a week ago... guess my stipulation about doing awake hours only there and not wanting to spend overnights in a house with three perverts makes me inflexible. Apparently I don't handle emergency situations well! Sorry... I apologize if my communication is blunt and to the point when a client is having a serious problem... Just not what I needed today. Thanks for listening... --Wendy
Kaisu Posted August 12, 2008 Posted August 12, 2008 You are in a difficult position right now. You said it yourself - you are tired and stressed. That makes everyone lose a little perspective. My suggestion - Do not make any life altering decisions until you are rested and refreshed. This includes things like confronting bosses, etc. Take care of yourself. Get rest, nutrition and recreation. I am sorry for the loss of your friend.
Christopher.Collins Posted August 12, 2008 Posted August 12, 2008 Hey Wendy, Im really sorry for your loss as well as the position your in. Theres no need to appologize for your venting though, your entitled to do so. I agree with Kaisu about getting some rest before you do anything else. If you need someone to talk to please by all means send me a message, I can relate to both problems pretty well. I hope everything works out, my regards to your friends family.
DwayneEMTP Posted August 13, 2008 Posted August 13, 2008 Prayers for you, Carolyn and those that loved her from the Womacks in CO.... Keep your chin up girl...I'm sorry I missed your messages before. I know it's not your way to throw all of this out into the ozone...but I'm glad that you did it today... Breath, take a minute, be strong....I'll look for you a little later and we'll spread some hate and discontent, OK? Dwayne
jsadin Posted August 14, 2008 Posted August 14, 2008 I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend! That coupled with work stress can be a nasty combination. Take some time to step back and look at the good stuff in your life...that helps to take the focus off the bad. BTW, don't take reviews too seriously. I've been accused of not being a "team player" in the past when I told management that their sucky idea sucked. Good managers will recognize an employee with valuable ideas. Bad managers you don't want recognizing you anyway.
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