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I wholeheartedly agree with you Doc. He was a tool and a fricking moron and I hope the woman sued his butt and his service's butts.


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I don't give a s**t if this is a TRUE violation of the HIPPA laws or not, string him up by his balls, and let every rape victim in his city/ venue/ district torture this guy till he drops. Who in there right mind does this crap? where do these people come from? This is just as bad as those s**tbricks that are sitting in jail for sexually assaulting their Pts in the ambulance (different but the same). If he will post this type of info on the internet, what would stop him from posting info about kids that have been abused as well?

Is this a HIPPA issue? Yes I do believe it is based on the clarification written by zilla. He knocked down all boundaries when he went "on-line" to post his "public education" blog. Where was the COMMON SENSE? Use your head folks (those who are thinking about or have done similar things on MYSPACE), keep Pt privacy where it belongs......in the truck!!!!!!



If its not a HIPAA violation, its damned close. Best rule of thumb, ANY info that can PERSONALLY IDENTIFY, is HIPAA protected. If he gave the "approx" location, and a reporter was able to track down the victim, then he should be held libel for breach of HIPAA, as it DID identify her, name and/or medical conditions given OR NOT. Not good. What was his name...Green...<<mental note to write down to not hire....>>



I agree if the news was able to track her down it probably was a violation. However everything over the radio and what is recorded over 911 is public record so after this idiot posted it to myspace all it would have took was a little homework by the news station to figure out the details. If he was really trying to help woman I don't think posting it on myspace is very effective. I think he was just boasting about a cool call and it came back and bit him in the butt. He lost his job and I imagine that he is going to have a hard time finding a job in EMS around oregon/washington. So this should be a warning to us all, watch what you say about calls it may mean your career.

My advice: fight. It's only a knife, and any rapist is a coward who will probably turn tail at any resistance," his posting read.

Clearly this guy is a profound idiot. I wonder if he has ever had a knife stuck in his face? If so, I wonder what kind of Chuck Norris/ Ninja moves he used to disarm his attacker. Clearly, rapists never actually follow through on their threats of violence to the victims, thats why there has never been a case of a rape/ murder in the history of civilization. If someone is debased enough to inflict the violence of rape on someone, how much more does it really take to stab or kill?

The worst part about this dumbass's myspace posting is that he makes the women a victim again by suggesting that its somehow her fault and she should have fought back harder, after all, its only a knife, what harm can it possibly do? Way to be an advocate for your patient.


I dont see no violation for one thing and two imagine that, AMR mentioned again in a negative way... :shock:


AMR asked for it by hiring idiots! First of all I'm sure their are people here that work for or have worked for AMR. I'm NOT calling YOU an idiot so calm down, but remember it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. Any woes for AMR are just unwarranted as far as I am concerned.

How does anybody NOT see the violation here? Looks like, for the most part, we see it, but how do those who don't, not see it? He posted enough info on his MYSPACE page for any one to find her, either by doing some homework as ambulancetramp noted (good call on the public record issue there), or just knowing the area. The fact that this Pt was made a victim all over again as noted by HellsBells (another excellent point) is absolutely "doing harm", which is what we are NOT supposed to be doing, eh? This Pt doesn't deserve for her tragedy to be broadcasted all over the internet for ANY reason. Who died and left the decision up to this guy to "help" her? Shouldn't his role in this situation end when he left her at the ED? This was a HUGE violation not only of her privacy, but of our oath to do NO HARM!


i was doing some watching of the news over the past couple of weeks both at home and out of town.

this was one story I saw

23 year old black female raped in this house at 2311 Elm street (can't remember the real address) at 11:30 pm.

The news reporter was standing outside the house at about 10am. Guess what happened. a young female probably 23 or so walked out of the house and immediately went back in.

oops, it seems like that lady might have been the rape victim.

the news people are going to find this information out. It just took a stupid freaking idiot medic/emt or whatever the heck he used to be to allow his patient to be found out.

nothing that happens to us anymore is private. NOTHING.

This is a big deal but this information would have been found out eventually.

i've always said, the more privacy we give up the harder it will be to get it back. There is nothing in your financial records, health records, criminal records and internet searching habits that is private.

for example - financial records - any business with access to the 3 credit reporting bureaus can get your life credit history

Any medical facility you sign a medical release for can get your medical records from other health facilities.

have you ever read job apps? I'll bet somewhere in the fine print near where your signature went is a clause that says you allow that company to do any type of background check on you be it criminal, finincial or medical.

There is a medical information clearinghouse(i forget the name of it) that houses all your medical records if your health practitioner is a member of it. Most if not all hospitals are members. your health history is housed there. any insurance company can get your health information without nary a wink.

Have you seen a recent life insurance policy application? I just filled out a 18 page insurance application but did not submit because it gave the insurance company too big a authorization to delve into my life.

I already have 1.2 mil in coverage so I realized I didn't need anymore.

If you apply for a loan or whatever else you are giving up some of your rights to privacy.

Does anyone read those privacy notices from the credit card companies you have cards with. they are pretty frightening in how invasive they can be.

do you download software? If you do you have probably downloaded a EULA that gives the company the right to track you. Bet you didn't know that.

So our privacy is just a pipe dream - we have none.


I agree, but there is a huge difference between you giving out your info, and some so called medic taking it upon themselves to throw your information out there for the world to see. Last time I checked we (EMS) are supposed to protect our Pts, and that includes their privacy, family, yada, yada. This did not happen in this situation, this "medic" harmed his Pt, even if his thought process was to help, he harmed her.

AMR asked for it by hiring idiots! First of all I'm sure their are people here that work for or have worked for AMR. I'm NOT calling YOU an idiot so calm down, but remember it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. Any woes for AMR are just unwarranted as far as I am concerned.

I don't understand why everyone here is so ready to throw AMR under the bus. AMR is no different than any other company out there. So AMR had employed an idiot or two, that makes them a bad company? Why is AMR to blame for a stupid mistake made by one on their pay-roll. It is not like AMR can control what it's staff does off the clock, or hell, even on the clock. They can only respond to the actions made, after they are made.

One last thing: This guy made one mistake we know of... tell me what is it like to walk on water; to be so perfect and never to have made a mistake.

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