countrygirl24to Posted September 11, 2008 Posted September 11, 2008 Very funny Dust very funny. LOL I knew that was going to bite me in the butt. Anyway I dont think 5 years is a long time hence why I said BUT ITS NOT. For some other people it may not seem that way.
Dustdevil Posted September 11, 2008 Posted September 11, 2008 countrygirl24to said: Very funny Dust very funny. LOL I knew that was going to bite me in the butt. Anyway I dont think 5 years is a long time hence why I said BUT ITS NOT. For some other people it may not seem that way. LOL! Well, I didn't mean to accuse you of being an example of what I was talking about. I was only using your quote to lead into the point. Sorry if that was unclear.
countrygirl24to Posted September 11, 2008 Posted September 11, 2008 Nah you were'nt in my veiw point. I just thought it was funny and had to give ya a hard time. Its all good
mrmeaner Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 A previous DUI does not mean you are an evil person. Believing that lights and sirens are a requirement of the job does make you a wacker though. :wink:
Just Plain Ruff Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 \ said: I generally choose not to post in here so your cute little comment about 'status posts' really doesn't matter at all. Hey if we're letting in drunk drivers, why not serial killers and rapists? Everyone has challenges and has made stupid mistakes, it's human nature. My mistakes I can assure you have not included driving drunk. So it brings me to comment on your comment about me being arrogant and insulting and having a big ego ... I've cleaned up after people like this guy and despite all the public education and information that's out there, people like him continue to make these stupid mistakes. I'm sure your tune would be different let's say if he had been pulled over in YOUR neighborhood while your kids were outside playing. So hey, if that's the kind of person you'd want for a partner that's your problem, not mine. Fortunately for myself and my family and where I work, people are screened prior to entry level, education or employment- wise. So call me judgemental all day long if you so choose, I really could care less I'll just sit back and wait for all those posts now, telling me what a bad person I am for not forgiving Mr. DUI simply because he completed mandated court requirements. People are always calling for tougher penalties on crap like this ... until it's someone they know. Actually 6echo, read your 2nd post on the subject. You said "why not serial killers and rapists" aren't those your words there?
VentMedic Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 How about a thread on basic HTML for quotes? My advice still stands for the OP. Check with the state and then the schools. Once you know you're clear there, check a couple of employers. Most of the big companies will post some of their requirements on line. Be straight forward and don't hide your conviction from any licensing agency or employer. That would be worst than the conviction itself. You may face tougher scrutiny in CA now as it is going through its tougher legislation changes but everything should be spelled out in the new requirements that are posted on the EMSA website. I do not approve of drinking and driving. If you are arrested a 2nd time, then whatever punishment comes your way will be very much deserved even if that includes losing your certification/license.
Don1977 Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 My company hires people that have done worse.. "you can breathe"? "good" "your hired"
toutdoors Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 I don't think that a single conviction of DUI should be the SOLE determining factor in whether or not a person is hired. A look at the conviction and it's surrounding circumstances would be in order. For example, did the person stop after work, grab two or three beers on an almost empty stomach after work and head home, then get pulled over cause his turn signal or brake light was out, and then asked if he had been drinking, consequently blowing at the legal limit for DUI? OR was this person pulled over at 3 am after being in the bar all night, and blew 0.34, was driving all over, and could not stand up? Huge differences in circumstances, as well as judgement I think. End result is the same, but some big differences. Before our child was born, actually before my wife became pregnant, we would go out one or two nights a week. We would spend a fair amount of time at a bar and grill, eat, drink, and be merry. Then get a cab. Rough figure after tip and fare, $20. I figured it out one day while I was bored at work, and found that if I got a DUI, the cost of court fees, attorney, loss of job for 12 months, and high risk insurance added up to 22 years of cab rides twice a week. We decided we would continue our fun nights, and keep taking the cab until we broke even, and then re-evaluate our deciscion. JUST KIDDING! Seriously though, if a person looks at it in that context, a cab ride is really cheap. As everyone else has stated, do some research, and good luck. Call a cab next time too.
6Echo25 Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 Actually 6echo, read your 2nd post on the subject. You said "why not serial killers and rapists" aren't those your words there? Ruffems ... Awwww so I made a little boo-boo. Hey, it's not like I was driving drunk or something dumb like that Thanks for pointing that out.
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