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In my opinion, the medics in this video handled themselves really well. The one medic was speaking in a non-threatening voice trying to get the patient to relax and receive treatment. The only other option for the medics here is to get into a wrestling match with an intoxicated patient who obviously seemed to be riding the line of becoming combative.

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I wouldn't be boarding and collaring that either. Was he complaining of head and neck pain immediately following his little bump into the ambulance? It was nothing - just enough to tip him off balance. Do you think it would be wise to put some pisshead on their back (for that) when they are an aspiration risk?

Don't see anything wrong with this video.


It looked like the EMS crew did nothing wrong. I work in a hospital and emt's were bring in patiets from car wrecks not on a back board or i n a c-collar.

Don't see anything wrong with this video.

Did you get a good look at those whacker uniforms? Those should be a crime. :D

Fat boy's badge was almost as big as his tattoo. And I'm pretty sure that stethoscope is sewn to his shirt, just for looks.

But yeah, if they were loaded with a patient and stopped for this nonsense, they should indeed be fired.

But yeah, if they were loaded with a patient and stopped for this nonsense, they should indeed be fired.

My sentiments exactly.

I failed to see why that douche bag needed an ambulance. The police were in attendance, they should of shoved him right into the back of a divvy van. Even after he head butted the ambo I doubt if he really needed ambulance transport.

I also fail to see why the 2nd truck came belting down bells and whistles? Drunk and disorderly is hardly a medical emergency nor does it really concern EMS.

Big thumbs down for waiting on scene.


Tell that to the Flat foots that call for an ambulance for every drunk they get. They will call for one L&S, just because they don't want to wait on scene with them.

Then I have to yell at a cop for wasting services! :twisted:


I'd been in this situation a number of times. Granted, never had someone head-butt that back of a rig before. What was he trying to do? Was he wanting to be transported in that particular rig and not the other and tried to get in? Usually with someone running around drunk like that we'd let him run around in circles as long as he didn't run off. It was usually the police that would get tired of it and manhandle him and escort him into the back of the rig. After all the running they'd be too tired to resist us while assessing him. And I guarantee you, unless he was ready to lay down, he would refuse a flat lay especially on a board. With him doing a "header", just note it properly and also verbally pass it on to the ER staff.

Sure, everyone there could have tackled him, forced him on a board with c-collar and restrained him. But that would have just complicated things a lot more. And as far a "race relations", it would have made the news of how this poor defenseless black man was mobbed, cuffed and stuffed.

As far as using it as a training aid, I just see it as showing what you could run against eventually in the field.


Many PDs require ETOH persons to be transported to a hospital because of liability concerns.

I saw nothing but good handling of another skell.

I take that back, only the cop had on skell gloves.

Getting pissed off, chasing the skell around the bus will not look good at all.

Especially in the ghetto.


I dont believe they were in transit when the ETOH appeared. And in NJ, ETOH patients all go to the hospital...sadly. Hell! Palisades General in North Bergen has a room reserved for drunks as soon as you walk into the ambulance entrance and boy! does it stink!

Dust, they aren't "whackers" per say... Those particular companies - those are their ugly ass uniforms. ]

Timmy, as far as I am aware, once an ambulance is on scene, whether occupied or not with another patient, they are still obligated to wait for a second vehicle if there is another potential patient on scene. I've passed MVAs with a patient on board and had to stand by and render assistance until local EMS or another unit arrived to continue treatment and/or transport. If injuries were minor, I'd get RMAs if they didn't want transport, and standby for PD to report before leaving.

My question to everyone else... If you were transporting a stable patient (which is what Monoc had on board) and were flagged down, unknowing the complaint of the potential new patient, would you stop (after all you do have 2 emts, one to assess the new patient and one to remain with the one you already have)? With that, it would initial patient care? Your leaving then could be categorized as abandonment, would it not? Even if it was only an ETOH.

Oh, and just non related detail, one of those emts (not saying who) is completing their clinicals for paramedic, as they finished the didactic portion back in May.


If it is a general call and the patient is stable, I might stop. Although technically you are already commited to a call and have no legal responsibilty to stop, although then the moral issue comes up with could you live with yourself if it was something very tragic you were being flagged down for. Honestly the best thing to do is probably just notify communications of the apparent situation and go about your call. Just because your patient is stable now does not mean they are going to be five minutes for now. Also you have no idea what exactly you may be walking into with the flagged down call, it may be a domestic or a shooting or something along those lines where PD should be dispatched first.

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