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MrBird, I wouldn't drop it. It has the potential to be a good discussion as long as all involved play nice. Like you, I would be interested in the the opinions from the inernational members. Let's face it, even though they may not have a vote in the election, we live in a global community now so it will affect everyone.

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As with anything everyone has their own ideals about politics. Personally I do not like either canadiate, neither one of them has said or done anything that majorly impressed me like before when I chose my candidate. I think that this year I will vote for the lesser of the two evils.

*note this is in reply to all you shallow male pigs out there, Hope you all can provide a better argurement than I am voting for mccain his running mate is HOT :roll: :roll: :roll: *


ok I'll put the first serious question out there

As far as the economy goes, who do you think will lead us in the right direction.

All we hear about from McCain is that Barack will raise taxes and increase government spending to the tune of billions of dollars.

From the Obama's camp we hear that McCain is one in the same as George Bush and his policies.

Who do you think is correct and why?


They're both correct and they're both wrong.

McCain's voting record is pretty clear as are his boasts that he's voted with Bush approximately 90% of the time. So here's what I don't get, advocate a hands off approach to the economy but then bail out they players with my tax money when greed blows up in the face of free enterprise? Yeah. That makes sense.

Obama hasn't said much about what he'd do. All he's talked about is change.

Both have plans that will raise taxes for the middle class. As a middle class earner, it doesn't work for me either way.

As to Palin's hotness, attractiveness isn't a qualification for the job.

-be safe

ok I'll put the first serious question out there

As far as the economy goes, who do you think will lead us in the right direction.

All we hear about from McCain is that Barack will raise taxes and increase government spending to the tune of billions of dollars.

From the Obama's camp we hear that McCain is one in the same as George Bush and his policies.

Who do you think is correct and why?

Just from watching the debates and all the campaining here is my take on both them right or wrong agree or disagree here is how I see how they both stand on economics:

Obama’s speeches are full of grandiose promises but unrealistic expectations, but he delivers his speeches more strongly and with more heart and feeling than Mccain does. But I don't think that he could deliver what he promises to the American people.

Mccain, he has openly admitted that he really does not know much about how to change the economy but that there needs to be a change. When he discusses the ecomomy he does not have the conviction in his delivery that Obama does.

But either way history will still repeat itself which ever one gets into Office the rich will get richer and the working class stiff will still get screwed.


Just remember, in a time some decades ago, during the Cold War, Comrade Nikita Khrushchev (spelling?) was talking about how democratic the USSR actually was, even under Communism.

He said:

In America, a citizen can walk into the office of the President of the United States, pound his fist on the desk, and complain on how bad a job he thinks the President is doing.

Here in Moscow, a citizen can walk into my office in the Kremlin, and pound his fist on the desk, and complain on how bad a job he thinks the President of the United States is doing.


The problem with the economy right now is the fault of both parties in government. Loose regulations is only half the story because most of those loans would have never been given out in the first place if the government, through regulations as well as with Fannie and Freddy, hadn't been working to get people who should have never been given a loan in the first place a loan. The only reason why lenders gave out subprime mortgages is because they knew that they could always sell them to Freddie and Fannie, two government chartered companies. There's a reason why over half of all mortgages are owned by those two companies. Loose regulations didn't cause the problem, but did make it worse by allowing investors to bet on mortgages, hence making a small problem (subprime mortgages are a very small percentage of the mortgage market) a very large problem.


What does everyone think of John McCain calling off the debate to go to Washington and Barak Obama's response?

What does everyone think of John McCain calling off the debate to go to Washington and Barak Obama's response?

Well I think personally its a effort to show us that The ecomony is the priority in his campain now, America needs a boost in the economy so this makes him look like he is at least trying to help America recover. Will have to wait to see if it has a good or bad effect on his campagin till all the smoke clears.

Obama that man gives me a headache!

Politics you gotta love it.

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