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Okay, so I have my fancy shmancy letter and I am all set to start the NREMT paramedic testing process, written test first, of course. I've blown all the dust off of my study guides and whatever notes I didn't burn in a bonfire after I graduated class years ago. Anyone have any good suggestions for a first time NREMT paramedic test taker? I usually do well on written tests, and I am going over all of my study guides, but I'd like that little extra edge to see what I'm up against.


Honestly, I think you should take it cold, with no preparation. Give yourself an honest gauge of where you measure up against the national standard. That's what I did the first time, as well as when I re-entered. When you walk away with a 96, you'll feel a lot better about. And, if by some bizarre chance you fail, you won't feel as bad about it since you didn't study. It's a win-win proposition.

I'd definitely memorise the stupid skills sheets though. That's what ends up tripping up experienced medics.

Honestly, I think you should take it cold, with no preparation. Give yourself an honest gauge of where you measure up against the national standard. That's what I did the first time, as well as when I re-entered. When you walk away with a 96, you'll feel a lot better about. And, if by some bizarre chance you fail, you won't feel as bad about it since you didn't study. It's a win-win proposition.

I'd definitely memorise the stupid skills sheets though. That's what ends up tripping up experienced medics.

Yeah, I've been printing out those skill sheets like there's no tomorrow. The questions I'm worried about are the ones I call "paramedic Jeopardy questions", like "What is the average volume of air drawn in during inspiration in an adult?" I hear there is no chance to use a lifeline during the test.


Try www.smartmedic.com. It's a site that offers quiz questions at three levels. I have found that when I answer a question incorrectly, I search to find out not only the correct answer, but also why my answer was wrong and why the correct answer was right. Some of the questions are similar to the registry from what I have been told. I haven't gotten that far, but I figure it's not to early to start practicing. And as Dust said, memorize the skill sheets and know your drugs.


Bro...take DD's advice as it is same as mine.

I let my NR lapse in 98 I believe it was and then I went to get it back in 2000 or 2001, cant remember.

Other than reviewing the skills sheets for critical failures, I did zero preparation. Just do not over think the questions and most times the most BLS or least invasive procedure or treatment is the correct answer.

I was the first one done with the exam, walked out of it feeling damn good. And no big surprise, I passed it.

Remember, it is an ENTRY LEVEL examination and you my friend have knowledge that far surpasses that.


Does the computer based testing let you know what areas you failed in if you did not pass. That would be one problem I would see in taking the test cold.

The two study guides I used were the paramedic exam prep book by Mark Marchetta (sp?) and a computer based test by El Salvier (sp?). The computer based test may help get used to that style of test.

Good luck.


If you fail the NR written test, it does tell you what areas need work, but if you pass, it doesn't tell you what you got. I took it last year (as recert), and frankly it has the ability to make a seasoned person feel like they're an idiot. Also...in talking to people who have taken it as well, it varies from person to person, so there's no rhyme or reason to the questions you get. Mine were high in bio-chem stuff, very little OB/Peds. Others, just the opposite. Good luck!

...frankly it has the ability to make a seasoned person feel like they're an idiot.

LOL! That's for sure! But you still pass, so again it is win-win. You accomplish your goal, but you are inspired with the sense of still needing to keep studying to stay on top of your game.


I agree that if you are confident in your knowledge going in cold should not be an issue. The issue may be the exam style since so many people are not used to or have never taken the NREMT CBT/CAT exam type format.

I actually did an audio interview Dr Margolis, Associate Director of the NREMT and he gave a bunch of great insight into the exam as well as the upcoming accreditation plans for medic courses.


One of my members took the time and gave a short summary of the interview for me - I have posted the exam section below.

Good luck - I took the exam years ago and then again in the CBT format just so I know what it was all about first hand and passed with little to no study.


Gregg S. Margolis, PhD, NREMT-P, is Associate Director of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.

Re: CBT Exam Process (Computer adaptive Exam) – started in 2007

1. Not the old exam just placed on the computer

2. New Algorithm for presenting and grading the test – more accurate and fair

3. Adaptive – there is no fixed length to the exam. There is a minimum & maximum number of questions but the number will of questions presented to each candidate will be unique.

4. Test starts with medium difficulty items.

a. If answered correctly, questions get a little harder

b. If answers are incorrect, questions back up to a little easier

5. More failures since the change? – No

6. Most feedback is “pretty challenging”

a. every one gets ½ right and ½ wrong –

the score depends on WHAT questions are correct.

b. Since the questions adapt to the person, most find it quite difficult for THEM

c. Anyone who thinks it’s easy – probably missing a nuance and getting things wrong.

7. How does program choose questions?

a. NO desire or intent to make the exam SEEM hard

b. Test designed to make an attempt to determine the candidates ability.

(1) Old method in linear exam environment - score was a straight % of the questions

(2 ) New methodology – Item Response Theory

(a) Item difficulty adjusts DURING the exam

(:D Now measuring WHICH items are correct

© Therefore, hardest items correct = High performer and

mostly easy items correct – low perform

8. Have there been any major “glitches” since the 2007 rollout?

a. No major bugs

b. Some minor issues


(2) Two forms of ID Required

i. One must be photo

ii. One must be government issued

9. Summary – designed to be a more accurate and more fair assessment of the candidates’ ability

a. It is a timed test, but

b. Less than 1% run out of time

c. Important to read each item carefully and make sure you understand what is needed before answering.

i. Read the entire question and all of the distracters before choosing the BEST response.

ii. There may be more than one right answer but only one is BETTER ie. more correct the majority of the time

d. Every exam has 10-15 pilot items.

i. These are not testing the candidate and won’t count for or against the candidate in the score.

ii. These are being included now, prior to inclusion.

iii. If you run into something that seems extremely difficult, just assume it is a pilot item and don’t worry about it.


Please keep in mind that the above is short summary of the Q&A.


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