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I see your still making stuff up. I never made that statement.

MemphisE34a wrote:

I have been an EMT for nearly 18 years and not one time have I had all the worries presented on this thread, but admittedly, I am pro-fire.

I can assure you that both my firefighters and paramedics are happy, at least to the extent that our fine citizens allow, everyday they come to work because I go out of my way to take care of them. Our station houses both one of the busiest engines and ambulances in the city.

What part was made up?

Look back through you own posts and those of your pals so you can keep your stories straight.

Yes, the study was done 4 years ago and it takes a while to fix a department that has let its EMS system go into ruin. It is good to see that MFD is following some of the recommendations. I didn't have to go out of my way to find this study. It came to me from some of your own who know MFD probably better than you or they are seeing it from a working FF/medic role which you can not.

I just find it hard to believe a FD that has such a past track record for EMS that had no Quality management or any type of tracking system for different protocols, patient outcome and public satisfaction would attempt to start their own Paramedic school. As the study said, it has to start at the top. However, little will be really fixed until everyone gets the message and the "culture" is changed throughout. This will take a long time to happen.

MemphisE34a wrote:

I know its not the perfect plan, it could be a whole lot better if you were here to go on the 85% of the EMS calls that are pure BS.

This statement quote says you have little idea about EMS and don't understand that many of the calls are BLS. Or, is it that medical calls are just BS? With your limited ambulance time as you have also stated in an earlier post, how would you know the difference between between a BLS or ALS call? If you are echoing the opinions of your superiors, why does MFD still hang on to EMS? And then try to teach it?


MemphisE34a wrote:

I can't figure out if you think you are a know it all paramedic, a know it all in general, or just suffering from menopause. Whether you want to have to admit it or not, EMT-IV is an ALS level certification. I still make plenty of medical calls. You don't have to be as smart as you to know the difference between an ALS, BLS, or BS call. I can call most of them with reasonable certainty from dispatch information before we ever leave the house - and you can too.

When you transport people everyday that get picked up in Parkway Village and want a ride to the Med and then leave the ER before the ambulance does, then when they need a ride back to Parkway Village they call from downtown and want to go to Delta and then leave the ER before the ambulance - you have just experienced two pure BS EMS calls. They were neither BLS or ALS. They were a piece of shit citizen that has learned how to work the system and get free rides around town. Drama queens that go on passing out challenges at Sunday service. A bus load of people in an accident that didn't damage the car they hit yet they all have neck and back pain, have a headache, and feel light headed. They didn't really know that of coarse, they are all reading their chief complaints on the back of everyone's own Gatti, Keltner, Bienvenue, and Montesi business card. If you can't believe this or think I am surely just making this up, I would challenge you to work in a busy, urban EMS system before you participate in any further debate or in your case, bitching, with me.


When you have no point to make you resort to personal attacks toward me and Paramedics.

EMT-IV vs Paramedic? What do you consider ALS? The ability to start an IV, do a 12 lead and give a couple of meds? Other states call that EMT-B advanced or extended, not Paramedic.

Again, if you have no interest in treating patients, both the good and the bad, why bother doing EMS? Your less than professional attitude toward the medical aspects of the job should be a true inspiration for the new recruits in the Paramedic program. Be sure to teach all of them how to make a diagnosis from a recliner chair just as well as you do?


Sorry Vent I can not help you win this arguement of the foolishness of having two so very different professions combined as I am playing nice still. Have a great day.

You don't have to be as smart as you to know the difference between an ALS, BLS, or BS call. I can call most of them with reasonable certainty from dispatch information before we ever leave the house - and you can too.


This reminded me of Miss Cleo, the self proclaimed psychic who was on commercials in the late 90's. Even she could not predict her downfall, yet you can call ALS, BLS, and BS on almost all calls, based only on dispatch information. I doubt it. I know there are BS calls, I have ran them, but there are far more legit calls that require a doctor than ones that do not. Please do not be too full of yourself.

This reminded me of Miss Cleo, the self proclaimed psychic who was on commercials in the late 90's. Even she could not predict her downfall, yet you can call ALS, BLS, and BS on almost all calls, based only on dispatch information. I doubt it. I know there are BS calls, I have ran them, but there are far more legit calls that require a doctor than ones that do not. Please do not be too full of yourself.

Seriously. Remember in medic school, when they taught you to TREAT THE PATIENT, NOT THE MONITOR? Okay, maybe they didn't get into such complex concepts in the shake & bake fire-medic school, but they should have. And the same concept applies to dispatch. If you cannot rely on an EKG to tell you your patient's condition, then wtf makes you think you can rely on third-hand dispatch information to assess your patient with? That is quite possibly one of the most ignorant assertions I have ever heard made in over thirty five years of EMS practice.

You don't have to be as smart as you to know the difference between an ALS, BLS, or BS call. I can call most of them with reasonable certainty from dispatch information before we ever leave the house - and you can too.

LOL Good joke there buddy. I have had more calls that come in requesting us to just check them because they feel a little bad that turned out to be be ALS calls than I can count. In fact almost any caller that calls claiming to be dieing ends up the least sick of all. Descriptions given to dispatcher questions are very misleading and any provider that decides BS w/o even seeing the patient has already ensured the patient will get poor care by the responding crews. Once you get negative you can't just switch to positive so patients do not get your best.

You do of coarse realize that Johnny Gage and Roy Desoto never rode the ambulance.....right?

Dude you have GOT to be kidding me.

As I have already stated, one should not have to be sacraficed for the other. If you lived here, would you be willing to live in a city that eliminated 75% of its fire stations - which would also reduce the amount of locations that ambulances would be responding from - and be satisfied with 20-25 minute response times for an engine or truck company? It is a joint service.

I don't recall ever advocating the elimination of suppression resources. And since when do ambulances need fire stations to respond from?


This guy can't get it through his head that ambulances don't have to have fire stations to survive. And who advocated elimination of 75% of the fire stations anyway.

Trying to reason with this guy is futile.

I know there are BS calls, I have ran them, but there are far more legit calls that require a doctor than ones that do not.

Maybe where you work. And just because they require a doctor does not need they need to be transported in an ambulance.

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