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Wow, very nice! What impressed me most was your students. They didn't look like a bunch of wannabe yahoo firemonkeys, with stupid t-shirts, and a redneck accent that can only be perfected with a dip of snuff in your mouth. Good job of representin'! I need a tour!

Do you get many aspiring firemonkeys there? Doesn't seem many would be interested in doing two to three years of book learnin', lol.


We're getting a new lab this week. It's another portable building and while I'm happy with the amount of equipment and the dummies we have, your new lab makes me drool. The apartment, the full ambulance (we only have a half mock-up of the module) and the apartment look perfect. So jealous right now!

The separate control room is cool too. Reminds me of the lab ORNGE (Ontario Air Ambulance) has that I got to play in at a recent conference.

Way to set the bar!

  Ridryder 911 said:
... (yes they knew they were bouncing)...

R/r 911

I was disappointed :twisted:

(To be sure I am not the only person who expected something else !)


We had something VERY similar at Community College of Aurora- but the Basic students got count em... 2 days in there. It sat empty, waiting for the Paramedic students to be ready for it, most of the time. Ours was set up like a "house", with a separate control panel, video/microphone monitoring and recording, and the back module of an ambulance out the "back door" of the "house" but the cot didn't lock in and there was squat for supplies in there.

Here... I'll show you. Good concept, for sure, but it could have been used better (especially for those paramedics) IMHO. Disclaimer: I went through in 2006, and many of my instructors were fabulous teachers, and the paramedic program was MUCH better than the Basic program. But it wasn't perfect, as no system can be...

Virtual CCA EMS Simulator Tour

I will admit, my favorite scenario that we did in there was "drunken house party" and the "responding" team learned an objective lesson about scene safety and backup.



  jbanagas said:
Very nice as a former EMSA employee, I hope they send as many of thier recruits through the program and facility.

I wished but EMSA is now having an employment + school sign on agreement. They are sending some to OKCC, but many to EOC, Metro Tech and Gordon Cooper Vo-Tech.

R/r 911


I would have SO much fun setting up that mock apartment scenario. I'd have the floor piled high with stinking trash, with just enough room to walk to the couch, and animal feces all over the rotting furniture, with a naked and malnourished toddler playing in the middle of it. Little remote control rats would run around the room as the students walk through. Crack pipe on the table. Empty disposable lighters, syringes, and malt liquor bottles everywhere. And, of course, a brand new giant big screen plasma TV in the middle of it all, with ESPN on the satellite dish. Alternate having either a Pit Bull or a guy with a gun jump out of the next room.

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