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Ok, life comes at ya fast, I can attest. I am unloading here.

I am taking a near total break from all internet activities for the foreseable future. I have been having a terrible stretch of luck and it's taking it's toll.

I am stopping all chatting, posting, lurking, gaming and everything except my current employer requirements.

I may or may not be back here but who knows but as of this posting, it is my last for who knows how long.

I feel a tremendous weight on my shoulders and I'm not sure where to turn to get it off. At times I feel I just want to get in my car and take a road trip but my financial difficulties right now preclude it.

So I don't know where to go. I'm not getting alot out of my church right now either.

I'm looking at losing my job of 2 years which paid >90K per year and taking a paramedic job making 60K or so less. My son see's my moods and he doesn't knwo what to do. My wife says how can she help but I just don't want to unload it on her. (I know, she's my wife but I'm not good at unloading) unless it's a anonymous forum here.

I'll quit here because I'm only feeling worse.

Arreviderchie(ha spelling aint good)

Bye for now guys.


Wow Ruff.... I wish there were words I could say that would just make things better....

Take some time for you.. and your family... in the long run, that is the most important thing in life...

And if you need to vent, or just talk, I know you have good friends here that you can contact.

Take care, you and your family are in my prayers.



Ruff Take care of your self and your family----Ems will still be here----

Need to talk--you have a lot of friends on here to help out..

Be good and Be safe


it may seem meak and dark now but remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep your chin up think positive and remember no matter what we are here for you.

see you when you come back and good luck



Riff Raff you know I am gonna miss you but i am just a text phone call or pm or email away.

Good luck my friend and chin up you can do it.

We are gonna miss you.




I think you still have my number...if you need an ear, or a shoulder....feel free to give me a call!

I may not have all the answers, but I can listen...and its what friends do...

Ok, life comes at ya fast, I can attest. I am unloading here.

I am taking a near total break from all internet activities for the foreseable future. I have been having a terrible stretch of luck and it's taking it's toll.

I am stopping all chatting, posting, lurking, gaming and everything except my current employer requirements.

I may or may not be back here but who knows but as of this posting, it is my last for who knows how long.

I feel a tremendous weight on my shoulders and I'm not sure where to turn to get it off. At times I feel I just want to get in my car and take a road trip but my financial difficulties right now preclude it.

So I don't know where to go. I'm not getting alot out of my church right now either.

I'm looking at losing my job of 2 years which paid >90K per year and taking a paramedic job making 60K or so less. My son see's my moods and he doesn't knwo what to do. My wife says how can she help but I just don't want to unload it on her. (I know, she's my wife but I'm not good at unloading) unless it's a anonymous forum here.

I'll quit here because I'm only feeling worse.

Arreviderchie(ha spelling aint good)

Bye for now guys.

Take care of yourself mate. The city won't go anywhere and a lot of us are here for you if you need it. I have a house out in the trees and the coogars if you need it :)



Hey Ruff I know we did not see eye to eye at first but we came to respect each other opinions after a time or at least I respected yours. If you ever need anything then just shoot a pm email what have you there are several members that have my number too... EMS is like a family because unless you are part of it you have no idea what it is like. We all have to watch out for each other and with that being said take care of your self mate

Peace out and God Bless,


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