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youtube shows your tax dollars at work

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Perhaps those kids should appologize and ask for the ball back. Then...be more careful. Good for the old lady!


LMFAO! I just watched that on Yahoo.. WTF? First. I don't like children. Second. I don't like people that trespass. Third. I don't like children who freely roam their neighbors property. I'd have taken the ball and popped it. Playing in the streets, or on other peoples lawns when they don't want them on the property is the parents fault. There are parks all over hell.


I am of mixed opinion on this one.

I also have a problem: a 3 year old and 1 year old next door. The 3 year old has been asked by both my mom and myself, to let us know when and if he will be playing on my lawn, just so we know. The lawn is next to our driveway, and mom's Corolla and my Venture minivan are constantly in motion.

A few weeks ago, the 3 year old was driving one of those small "ride-em" battery powered Jeeps, when I arrived back home. First off, he had driven across the 35 feet of my lawn, and had started across the garage "apron", and second, I back in to my garage (I am party to that old adage that volunteer ambulance and fire personnel always park with the grill towards the street), and was not expecting anyone to be in the yard or driveway.

I happened to see something low and in motion behind me in the rear views, and, even though I was traveling in reverse at a low speed, I hit the brakes so hard, the van skidded noisily to a halt.

Hearing that, the boy's mom came out of her yard, grabbed the boy, and steered the "Jeep" back to her side of the property line.

Right now, until we can get the surveyors in to mark the property line for a fence, I have a clothesline strung up on some tomato stakes, so the boy will know just how far he can travel. The line is not exactly on the property line, and is probably more on my side.

By the way, the boy's parents had asked my mom about purchasing a section of the lawn to extend their property. The question, when put to me, my sister, and brother (I'm the "baby" of the family), we all had the same basic reaction of "Lemme think about it for a NO WAY!".

As for the old lady in the news report, perhaps she should have asked to speak to the parents of the ball owner, to see if some kind of ground rules could be established. The ball owner should have apologized for whatever damage was either done, or perceived as done, and made some effort to correct it.

Let's see how this plays out.


I have an issue with the mother of the children who “lost” the ball….

“and 6 days later, she took it”… no, it was in her yard – she didn’t take it.

“they can’t play in our backyard because if they touch the fence, she gets upset, they can’t play in her backyard for the same reason…”

Perhaps these kids, and the mom, need to learn a little respect. The property next door does not belong to them, so why should they feel they can use it?

I agree with 4cmk6 who said “there are parks.”

This mother probably believes in the “it takes a whole village to raise a child (so I don’t have to)” …. Well no one asked this old lady to deal with your children, so she doesn’t have to… teach your kids respect, and give them places to play… they are your responsibility, not the neighbor’s.


I'd like to think that when I'm 89 I'll rejoice in the antics of my neighbors' frolicking adolescents, and offer them cocoa and cookies when their football has been grazing my nose all afternoon. Just as I'm sure they'll treasure my throwing feces onto their lawn if none of my other neighbors appreciate it.

The mother's body-language of entitlement from 1:05 to 1:13 on the tape, showing exactly how interested she is in her neighbors' welfare and comfort - certified by her own account of the local popularity her family's established - tells us what fun she's raising her five children to be when they're older. My Kids' Felt Needs = Other People's Problems. Great equation.

Why didn't the cops instruct the young athletes and their trainer about the definitions of trespassing, menacing, battery, elder-abuse, and making terroristic threats?

Damn kids, Get off my lawn! :lol:


That's why I'm a great believer in a good neighbor buffer! Seriously tho', if everybody just "gave" a little bit, the whole situation could have been avoided. "Kids, I'd rather you didn't have your ball land in my yard", "Sorry maam, we'll do our best to keep it on our side of the fence and if it does happen to go over there, we'll get it right away". How difficult is that? People are wound way too friggin' tight. The kids in my neighborhood leave their bikes in my yard during the day while they're at school so they can ride them home from the bus stop. I could really care less and if I have to, I move them while I mow the lawn and then put them back when I'm done. Keeps my house from getting egged during halloween anyway. :lol:


Forget the guy with the bomb.. We got a dog law violator!

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