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youtube shows your tax dollars at work

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Just when you think you've heard it all...someone goes and just amazes you with their stupidity! The old lady should keep the ball until they all apologize!

The mother should be arrested for being stuck on stupid!


With all the laws already allegedly overregulating us Americans, they can never enact ones for being stupid, as the jails are already overcrowded.

  • 2 weeks later...
Why didn't the cops instruct the young athletes and their trainer about the definitions of trespassing, menacing, battery, elder-abuse, and making terroristic threats?

While I completely support the woman, I didn't see any mention of those types of things in the story. Heck, the kids didn't even go try to retrieve the football, so there doesn't even appear to be trespassing. Surely, had they immediately wanted the ball back, they could have gotten to it a lot faster than she could.

But I do agree that there is a history here, and the cops should have been reading the kids and their ignorant, inbred mother the riot act, and not the woman. The Captain should be fired over this overt display of poor judgement. I've been through this myself before, and there is no dealing with those parents. The little bastards next door were constantly slamming footballs, basketballs, and baseballs into my cars and home, usually while I was trying to sleep. Nothing their kids do is wrong, and everyone else is wrong. And the kids would never own up to it, even if I saw them do it. In a perfect world, you'd be able to just shoot the little shits like coyotes. Kill it before it grows up to be just like it's white trash mama.


All I can say is CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG ???..... WTF,,, As a cop, this is the STUPID shit, we are forced to handle all the time...... I have very little sympathy for either party. The kids should not throw the football into her yard, and by law in most states, keeping the ball, is "denying another person of their property"... AKA theft.......

And yet once again becasue neighbors are incapable of settling thier differences , they call the police.... and when they ask the woman about the ball,,,, she readily admits to possessing property she knows is not hers....... They did not witness trespassing, and least it looks from the video they didnt, so they can only go on what they know, the old lady has property that clearly does not belong to her.....

I have 2 neighbors on either side, and my kids balls, my dog, go into their yard all the time, my neighbors have no problem with my kids going and retrieving the ball, or playing with my dog, and I have no problem sweeping up their leaves, or helping them put out or recover trash cans, they have a riding mower and sometimes cut my grass for me if we are away, or I'm working alot...... That is how you be a good neighbor, not by constant bickering and fighting and taking footballs,,,,,, these to families need to go hire a mediator, not call the police with this trivial BULL$*&T... IMHO......

And as usual the pulbic servant known as the POLICE are stuck in the middle, I hate to side with either family in sucha stupid arguement, but, so Officer X responds and takes no action..... Mom then calls internal affairs, and complains,,,,,, (remember according to old lady she admitted possessing property not hers,,, ).. what would the outcome be ????..... IA would find against the officer,, clearly he failed to take action....

So, instead, he arrests her, processes her, and a JUDGE, gets to decide whether this is tooo stupid for words ......and if i were the judge, and ive seen severl do this,, they would read both famileis the RIOT act.....

As for handcuffing grandma,,,,,(which obviously she isnt since she hates kids) an 89 y/o can kill you just as sure as a 29, 19 or 12 yo can, someone is arrested, going behind me in the car, they get cuffed. No Questions asked, they the police were very accomodating to cuff her in front.........next time do not be so petty .......

My thoughts are my own and do not represent my agency, dept, or company, and are based on the limited information that was gleaned from watching that video. I have no personal knowledge of this case, or even what state it occured in.


OHH , and I jsut googled the story and according to one report,, Ms. Jester was given the opportunity by police to receive a criminal summons to appear in court for petty theft, but she REFUSED TO SIGN or acknoledge it.

In my book the police did everything they could to not arrest he for this,,,, we'll see what happens she is due in court Nov. 12..... and by the way this occured in Blue Ash, Ohio .......

As for handcuffing grandma,,,,,(which obviously she isnt since she hates kids) an 89 y/o can kill you just as sure as a 29, 19 or 12 yo can, someone is arrested, going behind me in the car, they get cuffed. No Questions asked, they the police were very accomodating to cuff her in front.........next time do not be so petty .......

It's either cuff her or thoroughly search her.

I'd rather cuff her. :D


It's either cuff her or thoroughly search her.

I'd rather cuff her. :D

And now some reportd, including the Captain are saying that she asked to be handcuffed, but was not,, as for the prosecutor not proceeding with the case, I'm no attorney, but it sounds like a more PC than legal decision..... She admitted to the cops she took the ball, I dunno the specific statute for Ohio, but sounds like "depriving someone of property to me....


That is not a universally uniform legal principle. There are some states where case law holds differently, according to circumstances. Texas is one of them.

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