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Off and on over the years my cohorts and I have had discussions of men becoming mid-wives. Sure, we're trained to deliver babies and other obstetric emergencies. But I don't think we've hashed it out here.

What sort of reminded me of it was that yesterday I had a doc appointment and for some reason we got on the subject. I know there are some out there, but very, very few. My doc told me she was against it because women in general "Women don't want men 'down there'. But there sure seems like a lot of OB/GYN's have made a good practice at it. And a man had to be 'down there" at one point or another in the first place. (Sorry, didn't mean to sound crass) But I even brought up the fact that a gal I use to date didn't want a woman 'down there'.

Guess I'm sort of bored this morning and thought, eh, why not bring it up?


I'll jump in on this topic.....

I think part of the reason why we don't see men as midwives is the same as why we don't see very many men as nurses (although there are getting to be more and more male nurses)... those professions are still looked upon as "female" professions, which is a perception which is slow to change.

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