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a northern alberta hospita re-using needles since 90'????

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So I took the time to ear in on some evening news and this is what I heard. I know this doesn't affect most of you unless you have utilized the hospital in such a way where you needed an IV,but the majority of you administer IV's. What's your thought on this? Authorities aren't speculating on whether it was the lab techs or the nurses,and who knows how they will be dealt with. This is absolutely revolting.


edit date "March 2004 and October 2008" up in high prarie. The news is sometimes in accurate. They are running audits back to 90' :lol:



When you watch the video it sounds like this may be a "Monkey" thang.

Specifically the line made by the health minister "This used to be a common practice"

So it is the same needle being used pt to pt, for injecting into I.V. lines..... well at least it isn't directly into tissue, so there should be less infected people if any.

I would love to say this is unbelievable..... but unfortunatly it is not..... The monkey force can be powerful!

Is it just me, or is this a hospital failure? Anyone who saw this monkey buisness go on is just as much to blame.... Doc's other nurses, Nurses aid's, Students, RT's, anyone.....


I am both amazed and appalled by this finding…. With all of the media attention alone regarding re-use of needles… a hospital didn’t find it WRONG to be re-using needles? Although according to the story, the needles were injected into IV’s, there is a valid reason for the word “Disposable” on the packaging.

I am also amazed that audits did not catch this sooner (or perhaps the possibility that this hospital was within their budget didn’t ring any bells? – just speculating). Was this a protocol thing, or was it a case of being beaten by other monkeys, to use an analogy of Dust’s. (dang it mobey – you beat me to the monkey analogy)

I saw this on the evening news, where it was reported that a new employee caught this during orientation and reported it….

I find this interesting in the online articles “The injections were performed by both registered nurses and licensed practical nurses, who both receive training on safe injection practices, said a spokesman for the health region.” Did none of the nurses feel that this was a poor practice?

“It’s not widespread in the entire facility. (It’s) a very small number of employees — less than five.” So, less than 5 employees have been there for how many years? With no staff turnover? And no audit of processes? I find that a little hard to believe… my guess – someone knew this was happening… but kept their mouths shut.

My congrats go out to the new employee who blew the whistle on this – good for you!


So the thought of saline preloads sealed in plastic, individualy wrapped syringes, and you know, abandoning the old glass syringe and metal needles is lost on these people?

So the thought of saline preloads sealed in plastic, individualy wrapped syringes, and you know, abandoning the old glass syringe and metal needles is lost on these people?

LOL - maybe they still have the glass IV bottles too!


Perhaps just a shock and awe situation ?

I dunno but they are keeping a lid on it which makes me rather suspitious.

First Question I have to ask were these so called 5 .... forgien trained RNs and LPNs ?

The real point being that using one syringe to draw up meds, lets just say Ancef from a multi dose vial then loading a 100 ml med bag ... pretty insignificant risk really, as Dr. Purdy eluded too, I may be way off base here but lots of speculation going on especially by the NDP ... well just me GO for IT but they just may look like fools in the end if they can't find any infected people wandering the streets in HP

BUT as many other issues need to be addressed with a much higher priority !

Wait a bit to see if there is ANY if at all infections are proven, the outcry from the community is more fear driven, I think How many real cases HIV or Hep C issues have already shown up ? Usually these are the triggers that indicate ... like MRSA in Vegitable Ville.

Honestly the dental drills are a way bigger issue, transmitting any disease.

Firstly we should be getting the MDs to wash their HANDS and Stethascopes ... so ask yourself do you wash yours tubes beween every patient or just hang them around your neck, OR do you N95 ALL your high temp patients = SARS.

What cleaning agents are used by your service ? Just saying infectious disease control issue's are a biggy and best point a finger to EMS as we are very poorly edjumicated on this issue ourselves as a group, talk about monkeys.

Oh yea ever find a dried blood in your rig, or on the cot .... tell me that never happens ... or your humidifier water bottle changed out last month ....... just saying.


Late entry: Ever try to do a Lumbar Puncture with a Plastic Syryinge or put Albumin 25% in a plastic container, OR Nitro in a Plastic bag incompatibility issues guys and gals.


Actually I watched a lumbar puncture, and the needle hub was plastic that he used (the one in the LP tray was metal but he doesn't like to use that larger needle) And generally my tubes see alot of cleaning, mostly just alcohol swabs, but after the juicy patients, I use Caviwipes.

Besides it doesn't sound like they were pushing meds into the bag, but a port on the IV tubing (maybe the lock, maybe not) And depending on how long that IV has been running who knows, there could be blood in there, maybe there was blood on the outside of the tubing from a messy start, if they are reusing needles, do you think they take the time to use an alcohol swab to clean the port before injection?

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