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a northern alberta hospita re-using needles since 90'????

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Actually I watched a lumbar puncture, and the needle hub was plastic that he used (the one in the LP tray was metal but he doesn't like to use that larger needle) And generally my tubes see alot of cleaning, mostly just alcohol swabs, but after the juicy patients, I use Caviwipes.

Right on man/woman.

Besides it doesn't sound like they were pushing meds into the bag, but a port on the IV tubing (maybe the lock, maybe not) And depending on how long that IV has been running who knows, there could be blood in there, maybe there was blood on the outside of the tubing from a messy start, if they are reusing needles, do you think they take the time to use an alcohol swab to clean the port before injection?

I have heard conflicting stories but doing that is not a good practice for certian... sad thing is in the end that if there are infected ppl then our tax dollars get spent the wrong way again. Wait for the 2000 page document to investigate it too, it will be out in a month after the next election .. am I sounding like a pissamist again .?


Granted this may sound pretty gross but look at what we reuse in the U.S. and some of the "lack of sterilization oops" scares this country has had with the potential for several thousand being infected.

Recent outbreak of a nasty bacteria in a nursery due to improper cleaning of intubation equipment.

Contaminated Endoscopy scopes due to bad cleaning.

Resistant bacteria outbreak in several ORs due to bad cleaning of non-disposable equipment.

Metal trachs can be recycled in this country.

Many prosthetic hips and knees can be removed after death and see to who knows where.

Non-disposable BVMs are still used in many places...they just sterilize the vomit. :shock:

Contaminated transport ventilators from CCTs that don't know enough to protect the machine or themselves from whatever bug the patient has in his/her lungs.

And, anybody read the white papers position statement on CPAP when it comes to use with a virus or bacteria outbreak?

quote by tniuqs

What cleaning agents are used by your service ? Just saying infectious disease control issue's are a biggy and best point a finger to EMS as we are very poorly edjumicated on this issue ourselves as a group, talk about monkeys.

Oh yea ever find a dried blood in your rig, or on the cot .... tell me that never happens ... or your humidifier water bottle changed out last month ....... just saying.

Lets talk even about the simplest form of infection control...hand washing. At the nurses' station we have to clean off the counter each time an ambulance crew uses it for charting while still wearing their dirty gloves.

Humidifier bottle? :cry:

Humidifier bottle?

Um yup ... should we tell them that it only adds 2% relative humidty ... and generates leaks, you think there on 15 lites but the pop off is leaking .

Point not made is the assosiation between Plastics and Pseudomonis ?

Does anyone clean their pen, or just chew on it eeuuwww :shock:

Lets talk even about the simplest form of infection control...hand washing. At the nurses' station we have to clean off the counter each time an ambulance crew uses it for charting while still wearing their dirty gloves.

Humidifier bottle? :cry:

Anyone who charts with their with gloves on needs a swift kick in the rear followed by some continuing ed on infection control. I don't care if they are an EMT-B or a Physician.

Lets talk even about the simplest form of infection control...hand washing. At the nurses' station we have to clean off the counter each time an ambulance crew uses it for charting while still wearing their dirty gloves.

I hate when people leave the dirty gloves on and even write or enter their reports while still wearing them. I run through more gloves than probably 99% of medics on a 15 minute transport. I can not stand to touch anything with dirty gloves. Then hand washing well I will avoid my rant on that for now.


Yha Spenas. that is a big beef with me. When I see an ambulance coming towards me and the Driver has some sort of rare decease that makes his hands turn Purple. :P

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