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Some of you know that I barely failed my last EMT-B final. I got a 78% (needed an 80% to pass)

Well I took it again a year later after re taking the class and scored one of the highest in the class!!!I realize it is not the biggest accomplishment and for some ppl it is/was easy but WHO CARES! I am proud of myself!!! So all I need to do tomm and wed is practicals. I have been out of school for the better part of 12 yrs. So studying and getting back into the groove was not easy for me to do..


Good for you lady!

I actually feel that my basic was much tougher than my medic. I was scared, around a bunch of other scared people, had no idea what to expect. I did well, but found it to be very difficult. When my time came for medic I breezed through!

Good luck with the resto of your testing, don't freak out and it'll be easy.


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