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Two scenarios. Your partner is reading Vogue. You feel that Vogue oppresses women and is a despicable publication with no intellectual merit. Even seeing the cover makes you feel ill. Do you ask your partner to put away the only thing they brought to read, or do you go in the other room and open your own book?

You are reading a book by Freud. Your partner feels that Freud is a crack and thinks that psychoanalysis ruined his family's life, because his mother left the family after going to see a shrink. There's no way to hide what you're reading. Your partner asks you to not read that around him. Do you go in the other room?

Sorry... anyone may take offense to anything at any time. It just happens. I get offended by certain things... does that mean I have to force everyone to conform to what I find to be offensive/non-offensive?

Porno in the workplace = a big no-no, no matter what time of day. A film examining comparative sexuality in terms of the emergence of the gay/lesbian culture in modern society, even though it may contain something graphic, is not necessarily a no-no depending on the context.

Does this make any sense at all?



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I would like to know why this has continued as long as it has ( this discussion) We are all aware that Fire/EMS as a whole are not traditional work environments. These things you are bitching about have been going on since the beginning, if you are just now noticing that after 24yrs in the business then you have had your eyes closed for a long long time. That or your experience has been more clinical that street level on a full time basis.

That being said the Dayrooms, bunk rooms and living areas of the services i have worked for have always and will always be off limits to the general public. Family is allowed at anytime however if a call comes in or there are duties to be completed they are to cut it short or not come in till things have been finished up. Of course we all know that the local elected officials are always allowed in as well however it is strongly encouraged that they give notice of visits due to normal day to day running of the service. Also you elected officials are generally not as stupid as we like to think and are aware that Fire and EMS services are NOT normal business as usual departments, and are usually keenly aware of what happens in the station houses, As well as what channels are on the TV cable packages.

I do not tell you how to live in your house, Please dont preach to me on how to live in mine!


I have not given you any background because it is not necessary --- assume for a moment that i am just a lawyer who has never been in EMS -- i have a client who is suing your department, because you have created a hostile work environment for her. It would be a slamdunk case. Instead of trying to find an angle to attack me personally on, attack my arguement with facts. And i am sorry, if you are practicing your profession one way at 3pm and another at 3am, then you are not professional. Right is always right, and is usually the hardest thing to do.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA i am so glad i had my boots on after reading that. thats great. Assume your a lawyer with no experience in the field of emergency services.... so you go trolling on a web site discussion board for "professionalism standards" whatever....

Besides questioning your background in emergency services, what legal training do you have to claim a "slamdunk case" against a service? just curious, not saying that this scenario has not been played out before but it has been far and few between. besides if you know that this has been going on for yrs and you knew it was happening when you had your "rookie female partner" why would you not warn her about what she may see when you walk in the door? sounds like a complete set up if it is in fact true. as was said earlier, this is a broken record, yet it keeps getting played. come up with something new.

  iamyourgod said:
As long as we continue to allow this porn in the workplace, we can never claim to be professionals. You dont find porn playing in the lobby at IBM or any other professional workplace..

I would say this is a bit of a stretch. You also don't find IBM Corporate Officers sleeping in their offices- apples and oranges.

If you don't like whats on, leave the room or ask them to change the channel. Life is not black and white, there is always grey. This reeks of censorship. Whose call is it what is entertainment, and what is porn or inappropriate? Should libraries burn the books you feel are inappropriate? I know that's off the topic, just saying-

one person's idea of "right" does not fit all.


hostile work environment suggests that 'inappropriate' material was present after requests were made to change it. No one hear has said that they would continue watching the listed shows if someone had an objection.

Having read the Bill of Rights, I can't remember any mention of a Right to never be offended.

R-Rated means inappropriate for audiences under 18. If individuals under 18 are sitting in the station 'late at night', there are larger issues to be dealt with, both from parenting and departmental perspectives.

It might be helpful approach grown up subjects with a grown up attitude. It sounds as if you might have approached someone watching the r-rated movies and not received the warm fuzzy response you anticipated. If this is true, perhaps presenting the argument the way you have here has something to do with it.

Of course I am just guessing, and if I have missed the mark I will apologize if I have hurt your feelings.


One last thing: It is ironic that a self described athiest would choose a screen name like yours, then complain about being offended. Folks who do things like this are often thought to reside under bridges. Good luck.


PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:05 pm Post subject:

apparantley we do not understand the definition of the word professionalism.


I have not attacked a soul, i have only questioned a practice -- and actually if you read the responses, most have stated they would not turn it off. It is I who has been attacked, which is fine, that is what people without facts typically do -- attack the messenger. One last question: I imagine it is against policy to put up nude photos on the firehouse wall -- even in the locker room. I imagine you also have policies about surfing porn sites on company computers --- so if it is wrong to look at nude still photos and porn videos, why is it ok to look at nudity on tv ?

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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