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Guys at my old job used to watch some much porn they killed the employee computer.

Myself, I found nothing comfortable about walking through the base out to my truck with a hardon, so I stopped that pretty quick.

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Ah, I thought that this topic seemed familiar. Hi GAMedic. How's it going? Couldn't you come up with something new? After all, you pulled the "chaplain and daughter watching the programs" line last time you were here.


Great find !!

That thread was last commented on 2 years ago this November.

I re read the entire thing. Ironically GAmedic is an atheist who had 20 odd years experience at that time.

Iamyourgod who posts an identical thread 2 years later, is an atheist with 24 years experience.

GAmedic died...I dont rememebr this story but would love to hear it.

Iamyourgod lives amongst us...eerie and creepy.

The old thread had FD references which were removed after we commented on how we are EMS. The new thread started out just like the old one, addressing firehouses, etc.

The old thread, GA does not address any specific arguments or questions, only continues to pick and choose certain words or parts of people's responses in order to fuel his one sided debate.

Ironically, iamyourmedic does the same damn thing.

Towards the latter pages of the old thread, GAmedic quit responding at all. I suspect we may seem the same thing here as well.

And just may, hopefully, iamyourgod will suffer a similar fate, die in a car crash and go away for at least two years.


Great find !!

That thread was last commented on 2 years ago this November.

I re read the entire thing. Ironically GAmedic is an atheist who had 20 odd years experience at that time.

Iamyourgod who posts an identical thread 2 years later, is an atheist with 24 years experience.

GAmedic died...I dont rememebr this story but would love to hear it.

Iamyourgod lives amongst us...eerie and creepy.

The old thread had FD references which were removed after we commented on how we are EMS. The new thread started out just like the old one, addressing firehouses, etc.

The old thread, GA does not address any specific arguments or questions, only continues to pick and choose certain words or parts of people's responses in order to fuel his one sided debate.

Ironically, iamyourmedic does the same damn thing.

Towards the latter pages of the old thread, GAmedic quit responding at all. I suspect we may seem the same thing here as well.

And just may, hopefully, iamyourgod will suffer a similar fate, die in a car crash and go away for at least two years.

P.S Just check the IPs


First off, limiting what I can and cannot watch is a violation of My first amendment rights, by limiting MY choice of viewing materials.

I think that in this day and age of being 'politically correct', we are moving from a 'democratic society' where the majority determines a course of action; to a dictatorship, where the minority decides what is 'good' and what is 'bad'.

With a name like "iamyourgod", I am personally offended, as I feel you make a mockery of my choice of religion and of my religious beliefs!

Since there is a clear distinction between movies like "Debbie Does Dallas", "Deep Throat" and "Naughty Night Shift Nurses" and movies like "Hell Boy", "Lethal Weapon" and "Rambo: First Blood", the outright 'banning' of movies based on their cinematic ratings is nothing more than you pushing your 'values' on me!

If you're offended by a movie, video or other cinematic product based solely on the cinematic rating system, then by all means, exercise your freedom of choice; and choose another activity to occupy your 'down time'!

I've read all the posts in this thread, and the thread that was referenced as well...

I'm feeling that this is nothing more than someone who's looking to be the 'center of attention' and forcing others to conform to his views and morals.

Just because you don't approve of my choice of viewing material, games or other hobbies and pass-times, does NOT give you the right to limit, obstruct, or otherwise interfere with my chosen form of entertainment!

Would I turn off Rambo, Lethal Weapon or some other sort of movie if the 'general public', 'local elected official' or the 'department chaplain' showed up?...I would have to say I would. Not because it was 'inappropriate' due to the 'R' rating, but because it's considered in 'poor form' to have a television blaring in hke background, while someone is trying to talk to me, tour the facility, or give me posting orders.


I checked IPs, not that dense mate, however they are different. Me thinks he may have moved in two years time or is signing in from a more celestial account.


Ok, first off.. Ak is starting to speak Australian.. in his typing.

How do we know GAmedic died? Did he post a message?

"Hey guys, sorry I can't post here any more. I died."

Just curious


I do not know who gamedic is, but i did shamelessly steal his/her original post, I thought he/she made sense. It was one of the most provacative posts i read on here, and just like two years ago, it drew the same rage from the so called intellectuals on here.

I do not know who gamedic is, but i did shamelessly steal his/her original post, I thought he/she made sense. It was one of the most provacative posts i read on here, and just like two years ago, it drew the same rage from the so called intellectuals on here.

"Drew the same rage".... *yawn*..... no.... the intellectuals asked you to verify and provide specific information, which you continue not to do.... the only rage is yours.... you make accusations that you cannot defend, and you toss out insults, and then when people show you the lack of substance in your posts, you cry that we are all picking on you. Grow up or go home.


Third attempt: What makes your approach difficult to encounter is not its content, but its tone. Appealing to others to join you in protecting the vulnerabilities of those unable to defend themselves would be more effective if you showed more obvious interest in how your own expressions affect others. If porn is objectionable for being is disrespectful, the person objecting to porn won't convert others without showing them a superior degree of respect in order to introduce them to the benefits of respect. If porn is objectionable for treating people as things, the person objecting to porn must demonstrate deep empathy; a lush makes a poor crusader against booze. And those who already share your disapproval will also disapprove of the style you've employed. They will find that you're doing a disservice to your cause, so that the next time they try to have a rational discussion on the topic with anyone who's been primed by your agitation, you will have made that discussion more difficult. As it happens, the effect you're producing is more likely to get people defending what you oppose, and to get some of them wondering whether that wasn't your purpose - conscious or not - all along.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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