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Who has said that porn in the work place is ok anyways?

I'll say it.

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Thank you for skipping ahead and making my final point --- It is sexual HARASSMENT. If there is something of a sexual nature going on in the workplace, and it makes another employee uncomfortable, and it is not corrected after being brought to the attention of a supervisor, it is harassment. Although there are several cases where the compainant didnt complain, but it was proven that the supervisor had knowledge of the activity and gave it his/her blessing. Its time to grow up people -- take care of your lusts at home, be a professional at work.


At my station I have several mounted deer heads on the wall. One of the female medics hates them, feels hunting is wrong, PETA card carrying member. She complained about the heads, I listened, and then went back to posting on EMTcity.com. :lol:


So what if no one objects to graphic nudity or violence in movie choice at the station? Is it still wrong if everyone going through that station is ok with it?

It's sexual harassment if it is brought up and not addressed- that's a hostile work environment. If you don't have the gonads to speak out and speak up for yourself if you're being offended without response from your coworkers, then I'm sorry, it sucks for you at work. There's a reason we have means and methods to report something that is continually inappropriate.



Thank you for skipping ahead and making my final point --- It is sexual HARASSMENT. If there is something of a sexual nature going on in the workplace, and it makes another employee uncomfortable, and it is not corrected after being brought to the attention of a supervisor, it is harassment. Although there are several cases where the compainant didnt complain, but it was proven that the supervisor had knowledge of the activity and gave it his/her blessing. Its time to grow up people -- take care of your lusts at home, be a professional at work.

Cool. Does this mean the random trollness has come to an end, final point being made and all?

Glad we could sit here and be lectured by your worthiness. It was definitely a one sided (debate)? Or maybe the other party just did not have his ears on, one who talks but does not listen.

While your three anectdotal threads have been amusing, I can not wait to see you contribute to some actual medical threads with your vast experience of 24 years. I am sure you may have some relevant wisdom to impart upon us. Just be sure to post links to studies if you are going to use them for your side of a debate (referencing the other thread and AMR study).


Iamyourgod, in your original post you stated:

“As long as we continue to allow this porn in the workplace, we can never claim to be professionals.”

And “Get your porn at home, be professional at work.”

In your second post, you stated: “Right is right, and wrong is wrong. I probably shouldnt have used the term "porn" but instead said anything "R rated or worse".”


“I would love to see a "justification" for allowing such shows to be shown in a public/professional workplace.”

In your third post: “This scenario plays out every night in a fire station somewhere.”

- can you provide any statistics to justify this generalization?

- Can you verify this statement? I don’t think so – you are making a sweeping generalization which is inappropriate

In your fourth post:

“If something is not professional at 3pm when the school kids are touring the station, then it is not appropriate at 3am when no school kids are around.”

- when I refer back to your first post, where you said “get your porn at home…” are you saying it is appropriate at home where there are possibly children? Of course that is tongue in cheek… but the point I am trying to make is that you are so busy picking apart other’s posts and on the attack that you are neglecting to defend your own position. Be careful what you say – it will come back to haunt you.

- You made the point do have porn in the privacy of your own home, but then you made comments that staff are to be professional 24/7… so if you are against porn, which is it?

- the station is NOT a public access facility, so your reasoning that the public may see what the staff are watching is a stretch.

In your seventh post:

“I have not given you any background because it is not necessary”

- it is absolutely necessary. Without understanding your background, we do not see the whole picture. You expect us to make decisions based on incomplete information, and then insult us for providing our own opinions.

In your ninth post: “i have only questioned a practice.”

- you didn’t question the practice, you provided an opinion. Refer back to your title to the thread: “BAN HBO and other PRON from EMS/Fire Stations”… not a question… it’s a statement. You still haven’t proven that it is a practice.

In your tenth post: “I see your point, it is a lack of respect --- but isnt part of professionalism being respectful of your coworkers --- if someone were a jehovah witness, and you openly made fun of their religion…”

- isn’t that exactly what you are doing with your SN? Your SN “iamyourgod” is definitely offensive to some, yet you saw it as appropriate.

Provide me with facts supporting that this is in fact happening “every night in a fire station somewhere” and that it is negatively affecting the morale of employees. Provide me with facts that this has gone to court in some form. So far you have provided an opinion, and then demanded that others justify theirs. I am waiting for some justification to support your opinion as so far I am seeing contradictions in your responses.


Just read the post from your own forum -- everyone except one person admitted that it happens in their workplace, and they are proud that it happens. I do not have any scientific proof to make the claim that most medics pencilwhip their morning checklist, but anyone who has been in this profession more than a year knows it is true. I do not have any scientific studies that concluded there was oxygen on this planet today, but since everyone was able to breath fairly well, it is an obvious fact. But if you want scientific proof, over 90% of respondants to this question, in this forum, which was a random/blind sampling, agreed that it occurs. Are you claiming that in your entire career, you have never witnessed this activity ?


we have given up soo many rights of ours as it stands, everyone trying to force their way of thinking or do or dont do. all in the name of safety for us were your bike helmet, wear your seatbelt dont talk on the phone. when does it stop in 22 some years i have watched and not willingly so given up or taken more schools all so someone can feel in control. and where i ask does it stop? now to even what can be watched at the station? if you dont like it the station is a big place to go and get lost. get some reports done, read,hang upside down who cares just dont force what you view as unprofessional on everyone else in the name of being professional. do you really think that when you walk into that persons house having a heart attack that they care what you were just watching to make you worth treating them? and no im not for porn or any such thing but when youre on duty thats your house thats where you stay, eat, sleep, so why not watch what everyone wants or close to it and you can find something to do till its done.


And to answer your home question -- we are talking about activities that occur while you are on the clock. If you choose to watch porn at your home, in your free time, that is your business. I am specifically talking about workplace behavior.


so wrong it doesnt happen at my station nor the other stations that we hang with and that ive asked. they all txt'd nope.

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