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I am specifically talking about workplace behavior.

Specifically go away.

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I've worked at over 30 fire stations and ems stations and not one were watching porn at any time I was there. And we were up at all times at night. Your premise lacks substance when you say 90% happens.

You can't come in here spouting this sort of diatribe without giving us some basic facts of your background.

Your screen name says you are my god which you ARE not, but you claim atheism, that's an oxymoron, atheism and I am your god

You obviously work in an area where your colleagues find no issue with watching this sort of material. Why come here and rant when your chosen respnsibility is to eradicate this behaviour. You need to clean your own house before you come in here demanding that we clean ours when NO-ONE on here has said that they watched porn at their stations.

Take care of your own house before you demand we take care of ours.


First off, I can't respect anyone who calls himself my God. The attitude and arrogance in his screen name alone is offensive. If this is how someone acts in the work place, I'm willing to bet they are the least liked person on the department.

From what I have read, he/she is only interested in their own opinion and rushes to judge others because of what they have spoken. Sure, some places DO have HBO and sometimes certain programs contain nudity or offensive programming. However, everywhere I have worked regarding sexual harassment the first course of action is CONFRONT THE OFFENDER. If you're partner is watching soft-core porn, ask them to change the channel because it's offensive. If they refuse, then go from there. P&P, there for a reason.

I know I have worked for some places who had cable TV and HBO and other movie channels were part of the package. We never sat around and watched the inappropriate shows however sometimes a DVD was brought to the station, that everyone agreed to watch, and it may have contained inappropriate material. Was anyone offended? Who knows, but they agreed to watch the movie. If it ever became offensive they could leave the room. Incidents like these are really not much of an issue because when your employer hires you they assume you're an adult and know how to communicate with your peers.

Quit being a bitch, act like an adult, and learn to communicate.

Just read the post from your own forum -- everyone except one person admitted that it happens in their workplace, and they are proud that it happens.

Really..... can you provide the specific quotes? I re-read this thread... and the discussion was theoretical... No one said "yeah that happens at my station....." Provide the specific quote and stop making generalities to try to support your position....

And, I have seen other staff watching TV that I was not comfortable watching, but I have never seen co-workers watching porn.... big deal... there are probably things I have done which they don't like either.... but, the people I work with are adults. I have two options if I am offended.... go somewhere else - there is always work to be done around the station, or, if it bothers me that much, talk to the person like and adult and try to work out an arrangement that works for both parties. If it is truly a harassment situation, there are appropriate steps to be taken.

I am trying to encourage you to provide basis for your posts rather than generalizations, but it appears that you would prefer to listen to your own voice than contribute to an actual discussion.


The convulsive tone of the OP conveys urgency to the extent that it connotes tachypnea, diaphoresis, and tremor. The posts seem motivated by animal passions aimed at arousing corresponding reflexes in the reader. They address strangers' instincts to engage imaginatively with only selected, intimate parts of the author's professed feelings, which are strategically displayed while withholding the emotional vulnerability and commitment that would make such invasiveness reciprocal, fruitful, and therefore wholesome. As a result, these posts lure readers compulsively and repeatedly to return to the screen and engage reactively, despite resolves to maintain self-control and avoid the sense of shame that follows each renewed exposure. That doesn't seem right, neither at 0300 nor at any time.

Would someone please help me recall what kind of writing it resembles?


I tried, boss, I tried to see if discussion could be engaged in, but all I got was knee-jerk flame...

I've given up on the troll now. *sighs*

Every once in a while, a troll proves to be a misguided n00b who later becomes useful. I think the only use we're going to get out of this one is entertainment value and increased sales in blood pressure medication for some of us.




HBO is hardly a Porn channel.. Hell, the skin flicks on it are hardly Porn...

I bet you support censorship and book burning, too, don't you?



He is a Troll, pure and simple. All these posts in such a small space of time, and nothing to do with clinical practice (in spite of all those years as an ambulance driver).

Personally, I love to wring one out when I am duty. It is one of the reasons I joined and I will be buggered if anyone is going to take that right away from me.

So put your hands together for our latest Troll.


... but isnt part of professionalism being respectful of your coworkers --- if someone were a jehovah witness, and you openly made fun of their religion to the point they hated coming to work, would your supervisor write you up under disrespectful, or unprofessional...

So if you celebrate someone's birthday at work, are you being unprofessional or showing a lack of respect?

Some shows on prime time would probably have a R rating in the theaters. If some Doctors are sitting around in their lounge at the hospital, watching it, they are unprofessional? Would their patients lose all respect for them and physicians in general if they knew they were in the lounge watching a R rated movie? Doubt it.

Where do you draw the line? That is the danger of black and white rationale and sweeping generalizations.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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