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Because on the East Coast we do it all, without the need of 10 engines showing up! :D

No see on the east coast you're all Vol. or very few paid and so getting adequate personal on secene is a joke. You see we have our responses together on the West coast so the appropriate resources are sent to a scene.

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I think you're missing the importance of the trip to the hospital.

Consider the rise of dive or flight medicine as subspecialties as people recognized the unique challenges presented by medical conditions in these environments. To a lesser extent, transport medicine (whether it be critical care transfer or 911 response) does provide unique challenges and the Ambulance part of EMS is an important part of EMS. We have to take them to definitive care, we can't stay and play the patient to death.

I'd ask you to consider EMS outside of the United States to gain some context. I would agree that with the current level of training and education, EMS as part of Fire-Rescue seems like a natural fit. When the time needed to become an EMT-B is the same or less than the time spent on high angle rescue training or extrication, than the medical side fits nicely into the tool box. Even the short EMT-P courses throughout much of the US fit well with the higher levels of rescue training. FF's can easily master the current education in EMS, but what's being said is that the current education is inadequate for a true preshospital medical professional.

Rather than divide, why can't personnel seek to specialize and work together. In my experience there have been few if any serious problems between Fire and EMS. Why? Because of the recognition of specialties. Fire handles rescue, I handle medical and we work together for the common goal while staying out of each other's business.

I won't lay out for you how EMS providers are educated throughout the world as that information is readily available in other threads and online. But if you look around the rest of the developed world you might see just how limited EMS will be in the US in the longterm as the education will not be able to keep up with the latest in medicine.

If you're not willing to consider these points or to look beyond your own backyard, then we have nothing more to discuss.


You are not worth wasting time with. Have a nice day.

Ok I do have to say this before I wave good bye to you. I to only have to work 10 days. I only do 911's. I do not do transfers. I do not fight fires and in fact am no longer in the fire service as they choose not to put patient care first. My pay when factoring in cost of living comes out way above you California dreamers. :D

No the bottomline is that we have a job to get done, and patient care is first but we don't waste our time on BS calls we tell it like it is. If you can't handle that cause you like babying all your patients and you can't see reality then so be it. Oh ya and well COL set aside I make 100K plus and have fun fighting fire and going back to sleep when you box jokeys are transporting in the middle of the night. I'm livin the California dream, you know the one that everyother person in the US would jump at if they could afford it but since the rest of the country COL is so much lower it's not ever going to happen. I'm not dreamin it, I'm Livin it


So you're ignoring the valid questions to make this a pissing match? Okay fine. Your job sounds like a vacation, woo hoo! Happy for ya. Now can we discuss the issue at hand without trying to compare genitalia size?

So you're ignoring the valid questions to make this a pissing match? Okay fine. Your job sounds like a vacation, woo hoo! Happy for ya. Now can we discuss the issue at hand without trying to compare genitalia size?

I agree I mean just look at firefighters Wifes and single role Wifes, I rest my case with your genitalia size argument. We both know where the Hot women gravitate to. Oh ya and our job is bitchen don't get me wrong, but remember whos in the trenches and who is in the beautiful little sterile ER. I mean theres is a reason we are dialed in shape firefighting machines, our work enviroment is much more physically demanding then yours.


Could one of the staff here run an IP check on gas and this new guy? I have a suspicion if they aren't the same person they are two buddies having fun at work seeing how much trolling they can do.


It's impossible to teach the ignorant and it looks like Jbangas just found a new friend.


your right ff4193 firemedics are truly trained in all diversities, when it comes to fire suppression, rescue and ems, as far as the west coast is comcerned ems will be part of the fire service no matter what the rest of the country does, and thats just fine with me, I enjoy working 10 days out of the month and making over 100k a year, with all my other perks and benifits

You are very wrong there when it comes to FDs and EMS in California. Quite a few city FDs have seen the light and are in the process of giving up their EMS. Maybe for once California can be a leader in doing something right. It is unfortunate that California Paramedics have had to endure such limited scopes of practices since they were written initially for FFs in California. Now, maybe the Paramedics in that state can start to catch up with the other states like those on the East Coast.

You and your little buddy are definitely making FF/Paramedics on both coasts cringe by your posts. Believe it or not there are professional FFs who do not want to associate with wannabes like the two of you. If either of you actually were FFs, you would have a lot more professionalism then either you or FF4193 have shown on this forum.


BTW, when did you become a FF? Are you even a Paramedic yet?

No the bottomline is that we have a job to get done, and patient care is first but we don't waste our time on BS calls we tell it like it is. If you can't handle that cause you like babying all your patients and you can't see reality then so be it. Oh ya and well COL set aside I make 100K plus and have fun fighting fire and going back to sleep when you box jokeys are transporting in the middle of the night. I'm livin the California dream, you know the one that everyother person in the US would jump at if they could afford it but since the rest of the country COL is so much lower it's not ever going to happen. I'm not dreamin it, I'm Livin it

You are not allowed to deny transport you just pass the buck to a lower level of care. I have the right to make a medical exam and then say no ambulance period.

Oh hell your a worthless piece of crap that has no business in EMS or even fire. In fact you are a disgrace to my fire fighter brothers. I will not bite my tongue and if admin chooses to ban me for it so be it. People such as yourself are a disgrace to humans a whole. You are proof that natural selection does not work. I am ashamed that some of your fellow ff's have not taken you and tossed out with the days garbage. Yes I disagree with fire having anything to do with EMS but you do not even qualify to be a FF wantabe. In fact you probably can not get a job as a FF or EMT so now you choose to come here in one of your many names and disgrace both professions. Heck next we'll see you on law enforcement making ridiculous bull crap statements. Yes you win I now am hot so you did you part, you have made me stoop to your level. If admin chooses to keep pieces of crap such as you on this site I really do not want to be a part of it.

It's impossible to teach the ignorant and it looks like Jbangas just found a new friend.

Sadly its his imaginary friend. And both personalitys obviously could not cut it as EMT's or FF's.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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