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I agree I mean just look at firefighters Wifes and single role Wifes, I rest my case with your genitalia size argument. We both know where the Hot women gravitate to. Oh ya and our job is bitchen don't get me wrong, but remember whos in the trenches and who is in the beautiful little sterile ER. I mean theres is a reason we are dialed in shape firefighting machines, our work enviroment is much more physically demanding then yours.

Wow, what and egotistical asshole, i havn't seen this kind of dickheadry for some time in here.

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. I mean theres is a reason we are dialed in shape firefighting machines, our work enviroment is much more physically demanding then yours.
Yes. The reason is to carry my patient out. This is also why FD's hire from the neck down and EMS hires from the neck up.

Are we talking about the firefighter type heroes that depend upon the "idiot box" from the monitor to give an ECG interpretation? The same "aggressive" EMS heroes that are still providing the same care as was provided in the 70's? ... Of course they would not be able to recognize the difference. As one of the medical directors described, what more would expect .. .their firefighters?

R/r 911

R/r 911


So I think this thread's become officially beyond hope. Too bad we'd saved it from the jaws of that OP idiot for awhile there.

Shall I strip down naked and dance around until the meeting's declared a shambles?


Finally those two are banned. Now what name will they reappear under?

12 lead is an important tool for pre Hospital Medical Professionals. If you are a Paramedic and can't use it properly I challenge you to spend the time to learn it and be there to provide real help to your patients.


So what do we all think is a 'minimum' level of XII-lead interpretation for an entry level medic? I'm talking beyond the obvious MI recognizing. Should you be able to recognize electrolyte abnormalities? Should you be able to recognize LAE/RAE/LVH/etc? What else should you be able to pick out as a fresh out of school medic on a XII-lead?

So what do we all think is a 'minimum' level of XII-lead interpretation for an entry level medic? I'm talking beyond the obvious MI recognizing. Should you be able to recognize electrolyte abnormalities? Should you be able to recognize LAE/RAE/LVH/etc? What else should you be able to pick out as a fresh out of school medic on a XII-lead?

Good questions to ponder. We should be able to do more than spot a STEMI, but how much more? Electrolyte abnormalities is very important especially in areas with long transports to the hospital.

The better we can interpret the more respect we gain, and even the more job possibilitys for our profession grows.


I feel so inferior with my 3 leads :(


No the bottom line is that we have a job to get done, and patient care is first but we don't waste our time on BS calls we tell it like it is. If you can't handle that cause you like babying all your patients and you can't see reality then so be it. Oh ya and well COL set aside I make 100K plus and have fun fighting fire and going back to sleep when you box jokeys are transporting in the middle of the night. I'm livin the California dream, you know the one that everyother person in the US would jump at if they could afford it but since the rest of the country COL is so much lower it's not ever going to happen. I'm not dreamin it, I'm Livin it

I will admit, there are a FEW really good FF/Medics that I've come across. I at least like to think I was one when I was in the field. But...predominately FF/Medics (I've seen BOTH sides of the coin on this...and worked them both) have a large tendency to brush things off that ARE important medically. Frankly, seeing both sides of the coin, I can tell you...if I could hand pick the medics that would work on me or my family...there would be a higher percentage of "Box Jocks" than fire medics. In fact, there would be almost twice as many. And LESS THAN 5 people who work for the City of Tucson are on that list (second largest FD in AZ). It's a joke. I worked very hard to keep my skills up with FF and medic stuff when I was in the field. It's hard...and frankly, from first hand experience, the preponderance of FF's who go through medic class, one of the big reasons is the $ increase...which is a BS reason to do it, and almost guarantees failure for patient care in the end.

:director: Now take your crap and go away.


wow....once again, a thread has not only gone into left field, but damn near jumped the fence into a completely different ballgame!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

LOL, anyway... :roll: :wink: ..... Regardless of fire, fire/medic, medic, hose humper, box jockey, etc., the patient(s) who suffer from a medical condition(((since THATS what this thread is about))) deserve to have professional, competent care given to them. If you are a fire fighter as well as a medic, then I think thats great!! But if you CHOOSE to be a professional in both specialties, then please don't disrespect either side. Be the bigger person and treat both with respect, for if you cannot, then perhaps you shouldn't be on both sides.

ALSO....just because someone decides to speak on behalf of the rest of the career personnel (whether fire side or medical side) doesn't make the entire group incompetent, only themselves. Please don't dummy yourself down to their level by being ignorant. Some wacko comes in the post and a lot of responses that were posted were truly shocking to me. Didn't expect that kind of talk from some of the people I held in higher regard here.

Disappointed. :cry:

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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