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You are called to a 30 yo male CC: dizziness sweating agitation. Only medication is prozac.

VS: P90 R20 bp 128/74



Whats his SPO2?

Whens the last time he ate?


Whens the last time he took the prozac?

What was he doing when he started to feel ill and how long ago was that?

Any medical history?


No drinking or drug use.


BGL? BP - Sitting, Standing? Any SOB? Onset Time? What was he doing when it started? ECG?


Need to consider serotonin syndrome. Physical exam, neurological status, temp, and XII lead? Any sudden changes in medication routine or dose?

Take care,



Maybe we should focus more on the history before we jump to physical exam and interventions. The devil is in the details and I would say that by the title of the thread, we have more digging to do. Describe the dizziness, does anything make it worse, any nausea/vomtting, fevers, recent illness, recent medication changes, previous episodes, any pain anywhere? That long runon sentence should get us started.


Explain to him that if he lies to you he will die when you start treatment. Then ask him again about meds including viagra, etc, and recreation drugs including xtasy.

Any change in his response?

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