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Why Are You Guys So Scared ????????????

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Some people, especially newbies, are just shy or even nervous about making a comment or remark. It's not fear. But they will either finally get involved or they drop out.

Too many times I've seen a person's last post saying they are dropping out because of remarks made, criticism, sometimes vulgarness (which Adm. is excellent at catching), uncalled for rebuttals, and things like that. Yes, some people are "thin skinned". That's just the way they are. You can't put them down for that.

And what's the problem with lurkers? So what? Let them lurk. If they want to join in they can. If they don't want to, that's fine too.

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Depending on the topic, especially with the scenarios and things they may be specific to ALS or BLS - sometimes I like to sit back and give others a chance to voice their thoughts as opposed to me jumping in and sending things over their head possibly (in a BLS thread) or taking away from the scenarios they get that are directed towards them. Now as far as other topics, I'll post my say here or there sometimes I just take a look to see what the question was or what the information is. Somethings do not warrant a response in my opinion (that alone is giving my opinion), other times I am busy and don't have the time to write out a respectable answer, therefore I choose not to speak as opposed to writing something which may be misunderstood. Also, I choose to avoid posts which are out there solely to inflame or piss people off or enter the age old AlS vs BLS comments. I no longer care to just rehash what has been said over and over. If it is pertinent or I feel I have something of value to add to the conversation I will, otherwise, I choose to remain quiet and let others voice their say. Also, if it is specific to another country, then I feel I would be ignorant to speak about what I do not know as with anything else unless I have a question regarding that country or anything else regarding their system or protocols. Hope that gives you a better insight into my mind Crotchity.


As has been said, some people like to lurk. There also ones that will post a comment to every post, even if it has no meaning. ED hit it on the head with her comment on post numbers. I see people that have 200-500 posts in a few months of being here. That is a lot of responses and makes you wonder?

  reaper said:
As has been said, some people like to lurk. There also ones that will post a comment to every post, even if it has no meaning. ED hit it on the head with her comment on post numbers. I see people that have 200-500 posts in a few months of being here. That is a lot of responses and makes you wonder?

Yeah whats up with that crap? Oh never mind. :oops:

But seriously many I know read this site but choose not to post as most times someone has already posted something close to their opinion. Plus they choose not to get drawn into some of the worthless debates we have here at times. They also know that employers can and do look for what people put online, so to avoid saying something that could be used against them they remain silent.


You know, I've often wondered about the people with the time to get to 1000 posts within a couple of months. What do they do with their lives besides sit at a computer? Do they even work really?

Myself, I don't post a lot because 1) I don't have a lot of extra time, 2) I only post on stuff that catches my interest when I'm short on time, 3) I don't like to repeat what's already been posted unless there's a good reason to, and 4) I don't like to play in the bashing threads. If I want to talk about what's going on in my life, I either go goof off in chat or post on another forum that's not related to EMS. Even there, I lag behind the others who were the original members of the forum (we all moved at once from a forum that shut down) in the post counts because I read and don't always comment or just don't have time to post. The ladies there know that and don't question it, but it's a smaller forum and we know each other well.


I admit it, I am much more of a lurker than a poster on this site. At the moment, I am studying very hard for end of term finals in my paramedic program. So, the time I spend here is mostly just for a break, and to see if there is anything worth reading about.

I don't always find the need to post, as a lot of the time things progess quite well without my input. For example a recent scenario subject was about a college girl having a dystonic reaction with her head stuck, looking up. I found the discussion very interesting, as I had very little knowledge about the subject. However, by the time I read the thread there was nothing left for me to add on the matter.

So crotchity I am not scared, I just don't care enough to respond to every subject.


Some of us just cannot believe someone is listening to us, without an instant "Shaddup! Nobody cares for your opinion!" being readied.

I am around for so long, both as an EMT and on at least 2 previous renditions of the EMT City boards, so, apparently there are a few people who think I really do know what I am talking about.

Also, I give a disclaimer if I am reacting to a posting from my heart, or with specific information. I have been wrong, and called to task for it. Learning curve, I guess.


I also admit I have posted quite a few "Me Too", and "so and so beat me in with that comment" messages.

It's not like they're going to shoot me.

Was that an AK47 bolt being pulled back?



Well I guess my perspective may be unique, but here is why I think everyone should participate more:

As a manager, this is one of the "platforms or beliefs that I truly believed in". whenever I faced a tough decision, or for that matter even an easy decision that affected the whole company, I sought out the opinions and thoughts of everyone. And yes I mean everyone, the rookie, the old medic, the idiot, the lazy guy, the backstabber, the gossiper, the great and the not so great EMTs and medics. Even though I didnt need their advice or input 90% of the time, every once in awhile, someone who had a different life experience than me, would come up with a different angle on the solution.

Mayber their solution wasnt the one we employed, but often times, their "way-out" suggestion sparked a conversation that led to a solution that we werent thinking about.

I see the same possibility for an outcome in this forum. You never know when your opinion or thought will turn the whole discussion 180 degrees. Ninety percent of the time, it wont, and you may get bitchslapped by someone in the room, but I think that 10% where we break new ground is worth the repeated bitchslaps.

But if you never share your thoughts, we may never make that breakthrough.

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