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I havnt read every post yet so I dont know whats still going on in this thread... so my appologies if I stir anything back up or just continue to beat a dead horse.

  darkangelx66 said:
Hi my name is paul mellor and i am a member of the garfield volunteer ambulance corp (GVAC). i am 19 years old and i was in the running for 2nd LT position in my ambulance corp. i lost the position to a member who is an EMT for only 8 months compared to my year and a half. i also have more experience and i have a medical experience background. but unfortunately the person that was running against me won by a popularity contest instead of experience. this really pissed me off because i worked so hard for the spot and i lost it for a stupid reason.

Are you a registered voter? Do you pay attention to any polotics at all? Or are you one of thoes people that dosnt care cuz "your opinion ultimatley dosnt matter." Elections in the political world are no different, in that they are popularity contests. What you may have experience in another may not... but they may have experience in something else that you do not. Running an organization isnt just about field experience... maturity, organization and the ability to teach others are some of many more important leadership characteristics.

When I was 20 I was still relativley new to Fire/EMS, having obtained my EMT-B at 18 and my Firefighter-1 at 19. My department had a low call volume (average 800 a year) so gaining experience took ALOT of time. Anyways when I was 20 I was already a lead Engineer of our first due apparatus as well as the departments battery powered equipment, I was often called upon to train new and junior members and help them as they needed guidance. Eventually I became head engineer for an entire station in the department and was told Id make Leutenant pretty quickly if I kept it up.

Im not trying to brag or toot my own horn, just make a point. I didnt have much experience on the job... but Im quick to learn, work very well with others and take initiative. You may have 400 calls under your belt in 1-1/2 years and may have been a boy scout, but (with all respect as I do not know you) that does not make you a good leader.

I would expect that if you have all the experience you claim to, that your awareness of how the emergency medical comunity operates would be just as equal. Afterall, it sounds like your at the station enough to know whos who and how they run.

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haha the OP is too funny. I smell a troll. Or a slandering---why else humilate yourself and post your name like that.....haha

  \ said:
Hi my name is paul mellor and i am a member of the garfield volunteer ambulance corp (GVAC). i am 19 years old and i was in the running for 2nd LT position in my ambulance corp. i lost the position to a member who is an EMT for only 8 months compared to my year and a half. i also have more experience and i have a medical experience background. but unfortunately the person that was running against me won by a popularity contest instead of experience. this really pissed me off because i worked so hard for the spot and i lost it for a stupid reason.

I think the original poster came here for sympathy yet got a dose of reality or reality as EMT City see's it. He's gone away never to post again.


I'm beginning to think that the whole thing is a set-up. The OP's name is a little ridiculous (not that mine makes much sense), and he has given way too much information for a favorable outcome. It is almost like someone is trying to ruin his reputation.

Then again, he might just be confused...


Some people though are very comfortable putting everything out there online. Between facebook, myspace and the like some people are willing to leave their life story out for anyone. I don't understand it, but that might be the case here.


Regardless of whether this guy is for real or not, the questions raised by the tread are interesting and timely.

I know that in the "fair" and "just" world, the guy with three times the experience should prevail over the n00b. But then there is the real world. Experience counts, for sure. But it is not the end-all of qualifications. I know plenty of young, inexperienced medics that I would hire over many 20 year veterans I know. Practice does not necessarily make perfect.

I hate to echo the "grow up" sentiment expressed by others here, because it is obviously going to be taken negatively by the OP, causing him to tune our advice out altogether. But the truth is, that is the best advice he could get. The world is not fair. And volunteer ambulance corps are not the real world. You knew the place was a popularity contest from the day you joined. You didn't have a problem with that until you found out that you weren't popular. I hope you see the hypocrisy in that. I also hope you see that the GVAC is not even a pimple on the arse of real EMS, and isn't worth your grief, so move on. There are qualifications that count more in this world than experience alone. Commit yourself to becoming a more rounded person with more qualifications than just seniority and you may one day succeed.

  Dustdevil said:
I know plenty of young, inexperienced medics that I would hire over many 20 year veterans I know. Practice does not necessarily make perfect.

I could find you a handfull of Junior/Explorers certified at the MRT level who I'd rather have in back over Senior EMTs and Medics... thats pretty sad.

  Dustdevil said:
But the truth is, that is the best advice he could get.

As blunt as some of the advice in these forums may be at times... it is more often than not good to follow.

  Dustdevil said:
There are qualifications that count more in this world than experience alone.

Im still failing to see how a lifeguard counts... unless your in LA Fire (Or is it county?), Hawaii, or some place where they are medics and EMTs... lifeguard isnt much. Here in Connecticut they are barley certified to the MRT level let alone EMT.

If you want qualifications... seek out stuff like PHTLS and PEPP, take some train the trainer classes to show you want to teach your perspective subordinates. I know I wouldnt want a leader who couldnt teach or show me what he/she is telling me to do. If your area medevac has safety classes on when to call for them, how to operate along side them and such, take that too!

Point is... you need to seek out pertinant training to what your doing. Your past experiences mentioned are not even a drop in the barrel of what you need. I mean wow, you were an Eagle Scout! Thats great, seriously... but big deal at the same time. I was in the Army for a year before being honnorably discharged... that dosnt make me a good potential leader.


Listen to all you that put off Darkanglex66. I am his First Lt. Paul has been busting his ass to get where he is. I trust him on calls to get the job done in a professional capacity. He has proven himself for the position that he ran for. As for the person he lost to, he is correct about the lenght of time that person has. That person may have been able to learn enough to survive in a little town like Garfield but not in a city environment like Paterson, Newark or Jersey City. The new kid would wind up getting hurt. Paul would be able to hold his own. I have work in the inner-city and know what is necessary. The crowd that the new kid is running with is the same crowd that lost control of a volunteer ambulance corps to a paid service. Rural Metro was in town during the weekdays from 6a to 6p for daytime calls only. The Captain at that times had family issues and need to take time off. The new person who took over lost the squad because they wanted to party and not take calls. Someone politically connected died and the volunteers were almost shut down while Rural Metro took over. That person is the same person leading the crew that the new kid fell in with. Would you want someone who is learning from a person who almost caused the volunteer corps to shut down.? Paul has never conformed to the popular crowd. He may look like a "goth kid" but he is in duty uniform for his shift. I have never been in the popular crowd just part of the crowd that knows what it takes to have a Volunteer rig get out of the bay and to the call no matter what. Right now I am injured and am forced to take time off. my body needs to heal. For all you that think either of us are airing the corps dirty laundry, you need to get a clue and realize that it is just the tip of the iceberg that you are hearing about. And like an iceberg atleast 75% of it lies buried under the surface and will never be seen or discussed. So you should learn to shut you mouths and realize that your corps has alot of dirt that you wouldn't want out either. And for all of you that think Paul is crying over losing, he isn't. Paul set a goal which is more than I can say for the rest of the popular crowd. He went for his goal and got shot down. But he didn't roll over and cry. He got up and got on that rig and answered calls like nothing happened. He is a person that I would have watch my back on a call. The new kid will grow into a good EMT and maybe a good leader eventually. But to bitch about a person who wanted to vent his feelings instead of letting them eat away at his insides only says to me that either you are a poor EMT or more importantly a scared little person who wants to be accepted. So anyone who has problems with what I said either leave a constructive comment or KISS MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Listen to all you that put off Darkanglex66.

Never put off or down anyone, just dosing with reality.

I have work in the inner-city and know what is necessary. The crowd that the new kid is running with is the same crowd that lost control of a volunteer ambulance corps to a paid service. Rural Metro was in town during the weekdays from 6a to 6p for daytime calls only. The Captain at that times had family issues and need to take time off. The new person who took over lost the squad because they wanted to party and not take calls. Someone politically connected died and the volunteers were almost shut down while Rural Metro took over. That person is the same person leading the crew that the new kid fell in with. Would you want someone who is learning from a person who almost caused the volunteer corps to shut down.?

Well.... I am a firm believer in shutting down all volunteer services. This person you talk about just did what alot of vollies do, that is not abnormal, what's the big deal? Vollies are not accountable why wouldn't they shut down the ambulances to party?

Paul has never conformed to the popular crowd.

What does "Popular" mean in the adult world?

He may look like a "goth kid" but he is in duty uniform for his shift.

I merly stated I don't hire Emo's. If you do not want that to be your reputation clean up your past instead of plastering it on the net.

I have never been in the popular crowd just part of the crowd that knows what it takes to have a Volunteer rig get out of the bay and to the call no matter what.

In professional EMS that is definatly the unpopular crowd! Realize that if you did not "Do what it takes" there would be a demand for our service and pay may increase. I am sure you can hear the big wigs sitting in a meeting saying "These guys in Garfield do it for free, why should we pay our guys anymore than $8/hr?"

So you should learn to shut you mouths and realize that your corps has alot of dirt that you wouldn't want out either.

This is an open forum, I will NOT shut my mouth, and neither will anyone else! Petty threats do not work here, you are making yourself look foolish. (Especially those of us who have nothing to hide)

And for all of you that think Paul is crying over losing, he isn't. Paul set a goal which is more than I can say for the rest of the popular crowd.

I don't believe anyone was down on him for venting, I think we were just trying to say "Get used to it".... wait.... that's exactly what was said.

So anyone who has problems with what I said either leave a constructive comment or KISS MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gotta tell ya, with statements like this you are labeling yourself.

Check you attitude then read the posts again with an open mind.


Well Mobey, I see that you atleast read my reply. Thank you for that. Just a quick question for you, What makes you sure that any ambulance coprs, either paid or volunteer, might not have anything to hide? As for the whole popular thing in the adult world, I believe it carries over from the childhood of people who don't want to grow up. It really shouldn't come into play in an adult world. As for shutting down all volunteer ambulance corps. that would be improbable. There maybe a day it happens. But if you think about some of the politics involved, would you like to be the elected offical who dissolves a volunteer orginization and raises taxes for the city? As for dosing reality, I agree with you on that. I did tell him to just do what you are trained to do and let it go. That is reality. Reality sucks sometimes. But as for labeling someone as Emo, Goth, Jock, or Nerd, that is labeling and puts you into a category. And maybe that means you actually have something to hide. Or are you saying that you are PERFECT?? Guaranteed that there is someone out there by you that would disagree with it. I do understand that it is an open forum and everyone can say anything they want. i did and it seems that you are assuming I am making petty threats. It is not a threat when I, just like you, spoke my mind. And if that last comment on my reply makes me seem like I am labeling myself than I guess I did. I labeled myself as a person who speaks my mind. You say I need to check my attitude and have an open mind. I have an open mind or I would have just told you to F*@K OFF. But you are entitled to your opinion. I would never try to say anything different. But you also have to realize I will defend my friend as well. But I do have an open mind. I asked for a constructive comment and you gave one. You are entitled too that. But remember one thing, you can be paid or volunteer but what matters the most is if you are a PROFESSIONAL. 2 or 3 people out of 10 remember the good that is done but 7 to 9 remember the bad. So as long as you are professional and do everything you can to do good then people will remember you when your career is over. So like I said leave a constructive comment like Mobey or Kiss My Ass!!

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