tskstorm Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 Just a foreign concept, I'm not aware of anyone paying per call.. however, He is a volunteer why should he be keeping track of the patient number if there is no pay check ?
Arkymedic Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 Some departments are "volunteer" paid on call and receive anywhere from $5-40/ per call they respond on tskstorm said: Just a foreign concept, I'm not aware of anyone paying per call.. however, He is a volunteer why should he be keeping track of the patient number if there is no pay check ?
Arkymedic Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 I cannot believe that we have allowed him to lead us down 6 pgs worth of posts over his stupidity and arrogance...
firedoc5 Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 Arkymedic said: I cannot believe that we have allowed him to lead us down 6 pgs worth of posts over his stupidity and arrogance... Eh, I've been bored. :roll:
ambodriver Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 lol wtf is Garfield podunk volunteer station? Laughable at best, to have a bunch of teenagers running around with patches on their arm whining about being First Lt. or not. EMS my ass, this is about stoking your ego. Volunteering is retarded, never heard of nurses, docs, or medics volunteering for anything unless its a special one deal thing or Docs without borders type of thing. Get over yourselves, no one really cares about your podunk town, and your half-assed "EMS" service. I would love to throw one of these volunteers on the streets of Chicago for a shift and see what happens! I'd make a youtube video of it, would be great!
Christopher.Collins Posted December 19, 2008 Posted December 19, 2008 mobey said: Yup, I totally agree! I definatly am VERY judgemental by appearance! If someone applies here and I lookup thier myspace, or facebook (which I usually do) and I see a guy wearing makeup and black cloths who calls himself the DarkAngel.... He will not get the job! I would be ashamed to have that kind of person employed here. Ok, I agree to an extent and will admit to being judgemental from time to time. **I do not agree that one should be judged based on how they dress outside the job.** If they are dressed in such a way in their internet profile then, well ok thats fine. BUT I would never allow someone to be hired if they showed up for an interview wearing "street clothes." When I first broke in to paid EMS, I wore a suit to my interview... everyone else was in a t-shirt and jeans. They were all nice people, but time showed that they wernt all that proffesional, in fact some were rather dumb too. If you cant present yourself as a proffesional for 15-30 minutes during a job interview, you have no business looking for proffesional work. Cant afford? Borrow!!! Or look clean at least. **As I said a few minutes ago I wont judge a person/co-worker based on how they are outside the job however, there is a but in that also. If someone is wearing a company shirt off duty or is just a total ass to people overall then by no means would I want them in this line of work. In terms of internet profiles... they have every right to do as they please... but if they put company information on their profile, then that profile best be clean or there is need for disciplinary action. I know that clean is a broad term... but Im sure you can figure it out. Just so everyone is clear, Im not directing this twords the OP or his "friend." But I do think that personal judgements are important to an extent. I will say in fairness that sometimes a good judgement of people may also go wrong as well.
Christopher.Collins Posted December 19, 2008 Posted December 19, 2008 darkangelx66 said: ...so that makes me wonder about you paid emt's. i have been told countless times how much the volunteers are appreciated and how people would rather have the volunteers. and after all of the negative posts of the volunteers i am under the assuption that all of you paid emt's just do it for money and not to help people. you all might hate me for "whining" on this site but i know why i would rather volunteer then get paid. i rather not be hated by all my patients HOLEY FU*KING SH*Takee Mushrooms Batman!!! Time to grow up and clean the skeletons out of the closet. Im sorry for the reasons harboring your feelings against paid EMS... but before you generalize that ALL paid EMTs are a$$holes, you need to get out of your small world and possibly your personal bubble and take a look around. I am both paid and volunteer. And for the record that same atitude us paid guys have... alot of volunteers have also. And before you go saying everyone here just does the job for money I am going to first question this 1) What money? Who in EMS makes good money? Let me know so I can work there!!! 2) READ SOME OTHER POSTS in this forum... you tell me that we are all about money after youve read alot of the posts pertaining to our work. Youll see how educated and proffesional alot of people here are. By the way... Mr. "All Patients Hate paid EMTs".... do you know that alot of beach and pool patrons hate life guards? I mean, they are more security Nazis than they are LIFE guards. This is not to say there are not decent life guards out there... but your approach twords paid EMS as a whole isnt much different. Normally Im not one to stoop to the low level of others.... but this is a bit rediculous.
ConstanceGoodheart Posted December 27, 2008 Posted December 27, 2008 This is just too good to be true!!! Thank you soooo very much for making my night. I seriously needed that laugh!!! And people wonder why I don't volunteer for GVAC, my home city, anymore. Hmm...... GVAC-Redneeck and darkwhatever try to paint a picture that they are supposed to be a 'family'. They are far from it. I quit there sometime over the past year....don't recall when and don't care. I volunteer elsewhere, elsewhere that is grateful for the time that I could give them and doesn't THREATEN me if I cannot cover a shift that isn't mine to begin with - and that comment is directed pointedly at Redneck FOR THE RECORD. Guilt trips into covering shifts, begging people to call otu of their paid jobs to cover shifts, ehh sorry no go for me. That was wrong to begin with. If YOU want to risk your jobs go right on ahead. Which brings to mind dear GVAC-Redneck - STOP FRIENDING ME ON FRIENDSTER OR MYSPACE OR WHATEVER. WE ARE NOT FRIENDS. And please - delete my phone number and ask your girlfriend to do so too. I cut ties a long time ago and while the "merry christmas" text was nice, I would prefer NOT to have any contact with any of you. Which leads to another reason - I'm the one being asked and hounded by Elmwood Park for the pager that YOUR membership is supposed to be ahold of. I *DO NOT* have it, as I recall distictfully *throwing* it at Matt and refusing to take it when your members that were supposed to be on call never responded. Give the darn wackerpack back to Di so that I don't have to hear about it, Mr. Lieutenant, she's left several messages on the official office line without response from your squad.
ConstanceGoodheart Posted December 27, 2008 Posted December 27, 2008 Arkymedic said: I cannot believe that we have allowed him to lead us down 6 pgs worth of posts over his stupidity and arrogance... It's way too easy to be sucked into the vortex of idiocy. Besides EMS, in all their deniability, are emotional fucks.
ConstanceGoodheart Posted December 27, 2008 Posted December 27, 2008 Come to think about it....Bringing Squad drama outside of the building sounds very familiar....Awhile ago I vented in my blog about being voted secretary, and had deleted the text of the entry so I do not recall what I said exactly, but other than the fact that I was stuck with taking it since no one else wanted it... http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/weblog_entry.php?e=2146 Redneck there has a few choice words there, that really shouldn't be speaking of pots and kettles in this thread here now. I have a few other choice comments I'd rather save for another day and time for the appropriate moment. :twisted:
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