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Have you ever falsified an EMS Document ?  

40 members have voted

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Before you say NO, consider these common falsifications to see if you have ever been guilty. Be honest now:

Have you ever:

1. Falsified an inventory or checklist, basically just pencil-whipping the check-offs when you actually didnt lay hands on that piece of equipment or medication ?

2. Changed the actual time a drug was given during a cardiac arrest, rather than documenting the real time (either because you didnt keep up with the real time, or because the real time fell outside the ACLS time parameter -- you gave a drug that was supposed to be q5 minutes at 8 minutes) ?

3. Ever made up a vital sign, or documented a vital sign that you didnt take (ie... you recorded two B/Ps but really only took one.

4. Documented that a patient refused AMA, when they really didnt ?

5. Documented that a patient refused immobilization or an IV, when they really didnt ?

6. Realized that you made a medication error, but documented that you did it right ?

7. Documented that no patient was found at the scene, when in reality there was a patient with a minor injury or illness (maybe a wreck, where the walking wounded claim that their knee is sore, and you tell them to get it xrayed if it continues to bother them) ?

8. Ever falsified an incident report to cover you or your partner's hind quarters: Yes, we had a backer on the ground, but my foot slipped off the brake ?

And just so you dont think that I am holier than thou, If i had to answer the question honestly, I would have to answer YES !

Remember you can vote without commenting or admitting guilt

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What's that rustling sound? Oh wait, it's the sounds of the lawyers waiting in the wings, ready to jump. :lol:


Not this boy---Hate lawyers---cop in me-----Plus doing what i do, i don't fill out run sheets- i just pass onb via radio to a dispatch base/mission base and they pass to med chopper.

Be Safe and stay out of trouble


BTW, whatever happened to the California EMT that admitted falsifying patient documentation on national TV?

He was the guy that also lied to his girlfriend and was on the show "Moment of Truth" to raise money for med school.


Crotchity, I don't get why you approach things this way?

Falsification of documents is fraud and a career ender. Does it happen? Unfortunately yes. Might we gain something from discussing this? I'm not sure as I feel a professional provider is going to realize the importance of accurate documentation and we'll have a whole lot of agreement going on. As far the less than professional providers, I hope none of them on this board are stupid enough to admit to it publicly. Either way there's got to be a better way to approach this that won't dissolve into... well the save 6 million people thread.


Nope. But I've known many that has.


Ummmmhhh. Let us stick our head in the sand and pretend there is nothing to fix in the EMS world. All is perfect. And about the "millions of patient's thread": Give it 12 months, and about 15-20 more examples of patient deaths, and I believe I will be vindicated. I posted a few more statistics, studies, and examples -- you might want to take a look. The deaths will continue, and I will highlight it each time it makes the news. Sooner or later someone will say, "maybe there is a problem here --- Nah, lets go back to bashing firefighters, that is more fun".


Hey Crotch, slow down you missed the point as you charged past.

I'm not saying issues don't need to be discussed for the betterment of the profession. What I'm saying is the tabloid language and polls aren't going to lead to any intelligent discussion. When the scope is sweeping and the tone accusatory you're not laying the groundwork for this.

For example, rather than a "Yes/No" question how about a:

Falsification of records goes beyond blatant fraud and can include improperly completed check sheets, adjusted times on PCR's, or incorrect vitals. This falsification can potentially harm patient outcome and negatively impacts the profession. What factors affect affect honest and diligent record keeping? What can be done at a provider/service/system level to ensure accurate record keeping on all forms of documentation in EMS?

That to me seems like a better way to frame this discussion.


Well I will certainly conceed that I am not the best at "framing questions" in a feel-good-cuddley fashion. But isnt that like being a little bit pregnant ? I mean once i justify which documents I can and can not falsify, havent I already went down the slippery slope ?

I admitted my own guilt, so I am in know way taking a superior position against those who have also done it.

Are some documents more important than others, of course; but it is still falsification.


"Feel good cuddly?" Hardly. One is asking individuals to admit to wrong doing with no expectation of discussion. The asks us to address the problem whether we've falsified a record ourselves or not. One is divisive the other generates discussion.

Where has anyone on this thread justified falsifying any document. I just reread the other replies and not once as someone said "Ya, but it was one of those BS TPS reports."

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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