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Ok Spen heres one for you I was recently at a Fire Rescue station doin a ride along. It was lunch time and we had just finished eating. I went to rinse off my spoon when I got a squirt of water from the spray nozzle cause someone had put a rubber band around it. Later at one of their group meeting they have every shift I learned that it was the Chief that did that wasnt meant for me but still it was funny and no one got hurt. :P spen :P

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  countrygirl24to said:
Ok Spen heres one for you I was recently at a Fire Rescue station doin a ride along. It was lunch time and we had just finished eating. I went to rinse off my spoon when I got a squirt of water from the spray nozzle cause someone had put a rubber band around it. Later at one of their group meeting they have every shift I learned that it was the Chief that did that wasnt meant for me but still it was funny and no one got hurt. :P spen :P

See that could be funny because it should not have wet you enough to still be wet by the time you got to a patient. Now what if you had a radio or other electronic device in you hand and it got wet? Hmmm or the floor gets wet tone drops and someone slips. Well as you see I am so pissed about the other idiotic pranks mentioned by others that I can not even began to think of fun.

I really should just leave these forums and perhaps EMS.

  spenac said:
See that could be funny because it should not have wet you enough to still be wet by the time you got to a patient. Now what if you had a radio or other electronic device in you hand and it got wet?

I really should just leave these forums and perhaps EMS.

I've been consistently amazed with just how waterproof electronics are.

Last summer while landing a boat I got my lace caught on the gunwale and face planted into the lake with my radio on my lifejacket. Full immersed, but when I dried it out it worked fine.

This summer I was supervising a lifeguard team during an open swim and a swimmer got into trouble. I was closest and jumped in, with my radio on my shorts still. (New one too) Dried out and worked fine.

Then in October I accidently washed my fiancee's cell phone. (After she'd said "I'm not sure where my phone went so make sure you check all the pockets." Whoops.) Still works.

Last month I spilt a glass of water on my phone. Still works.

I'm somewhat accident prone when it comes to electronics.

Now I'm not advising you try this with your radio and I still spent some hours wringing my hands until they turned on again, but.... I don't actually think I had a relevant point there.

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
What is t he funniest practical joke you or your coworkers have ever played on another co-worker ?

The town I got my Fire and EMS origins has an ongoing prank war / rivalry every October and it runs up untill elections. So no feelings are hurt, in case anyone from the area is on this site, we will call my old station Fire Dept A and theirs Fire Dept B. Generally Im not involved in these pranks but Ill also use we meaning FD A.

In FD A alot of us have some sort of manufacturing and trade backrounds... machinists, carpenters, electricians. I dable in a bit of electronics and machining myself. Anways alot of our pranks often involved home built outhouses rigged to cause some sort of chaotic problem which would deploy or trigger when a the door was opened... which would in turn be left outside of FD B's station.

A couple of years ago we built the usual outhouse, took your average air compressor sold at Home Depot filled it with water and AFFF foam and rigged it to a small nozzel that would be stuck open once the outhouse door opens. Additionally we rigged a car alarm and car battery to go off at the same moment, but sealed that into a container.

Now, at FD B alot of the guys who have been around know the usual approach we make so they steer clear of anything looking like a portapotty. But the new guys and junior members... well thats a different story. So we drop this thing off at the station and take up hidding positions. Sure enough everyone comes down to the station to hang out and within a couple of minutes the front of their station was covered with a foam blanket and the air was filled with shouting and car alarms. The outhouse was destroyed!


One prank I was there for involved another car alarm. Small holes were cut into a metal box so not to drown out the noise when closed and the alarm was rigged to a standard light switch with a pull string leading out of the box and car battery. The box was padlocked and welded shut. Dropped it off at the station... and sure enough someone played into it. In fact they couldnt even break into the box... it wound up in the river running along the station.


So what do they do in retaliation? Well, not much... they toilet papered our north end station (Station 2).

  Eydawn said:
Just be wary of anything that involves screwing with someone's personal stuff, and be sure that the joke you're intending to do doesn't put them at risk.

That I will say was always the staple of the annual prank wars. It was essentially no-holds-barred provided the following: There will be NO messing with gear, apparatus or equipment. And nothing potentially dangerous... One day FD B tried to frame us by making their own portapotty, putting it outside another department and lighting it on fire. That turned out to be really bad by the way. Fortunatley they knew who actually did it, so our department wasnt held responsible as it wasnt.

  Christopher.Collins said:

That I will say was always the staple of the annual prank wars. It was essentially no-holds-barred provided the following: There will be NO messing with gear, apparatus or equipment. And nothing potentially dangerous... One day FD B tried to frame us by making their own portapotty, putting it outside another department and lighting it on fire. That turned out to be really bad by the way. Fortunatley they knew who actually did it, so our department wasnt held responsible as it wasnt.

Another reason practical jokes should not be done. One practical joke leads to another. Each bigger and eventually someone gets harmed.

  ERDoc said:

Valium 5mg PO tid prn posting on EMTCity

Disp 30

Refills 3


Darn pharmacist wouldn't fill it. Now what? :wink:

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