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I’m not trying to “pick the faults” merely referring to reality. Sure, they saved the guys life yippy, yahoo – it was probably staged and rehearsed.

You need to see the episode were these lifeguards with there years of medical training and rescue skills give a patient in sever pain administering methoxyflurane without even consulting the patient in regards to contraindications. Methoxyflurane is quiet nephrotoxic hence its quiet important to know if the patient has renal problems or if they take any medications in particular tetracycline antibiotics to avoid further renal complications.

I can think of numours occasions were these ‘lifeguards’ have screwed up, yet the public love them. A lot of the Australian public idolize these people because they jump in and drag people from the surf yet the people who have the real education and experience are never spoken of.

Don’t even get me started on Big Brother! :evil:


dont mean to rain on our parade but.........

you are still a student right?

you still do the medical side for St John right?

you still stand by at motorcross etc sports events right?

Therefore are YOU one of the producers of this show?

yes i watch and laugh at the things done as well.....

remember that these guys are not medics, that have not been trained as ambulance officers and only have the basic skills.

However, with out seeing what actually falls to the cuting room floor at post production, how can we say that things were not done correctly?

do you think it might be a tad boring for the joe public tv viewer to see the guys asking if the patient has kidney problems? or if they take tetracycline antibiotics (what the F&%K is that people will ask)?

Things on tv a relevant to the time slot and also to the rating factor. If there wasnt a near drowning each week why would we watch? yes it is all about the excitment and the vouyer in each of us.

Remember that this is filmed in Bondi Sydney....a far cry from Melbourne where you are still, i suppose. So with out being on scene, how do you know what was or wasnt asked of the patient.

Dont get your knickers in a twist, but dont be jealous that Sydney beaches are BETTER than yours in Melbourne.........

stay safe

merry christmas


You’re not raining on my parade Craig, you’re entitled to your opinion.

Have you seen the show Surf Patrol and compared it to Bondi Rescue? Surf Patrol films about 7 or 8 beaches from around Australia. I think you’ll find Surf Patrol portrays the true meaning of being a lifeguard. In the 2 sessions of Surf Patrol there was maybe one resuscitation situation and most of the work done by the lifeguards was more preventative and minor treatment. I find it hard to comprehend that beaches along surfer paradise, gold coast, NSW coast and Melbourne have less action in a year than Bondi Rescue has in a day.

You said it, no one wants to know about what lifeguards really do on a daily basis because it’s boring for the audience, this is why Surf Patrol is not played anymore. This saddens me. Telling people to swim between the flags, rescuing tiring swimmers and attending to minor injuries is what lifeguards do on a daily basis yet if you watch Bondi you wonder why there is not an emergency department based along the beach.

I found Surf Patrol to be quiet interesting because they not only showed the lifeguards in there real role but they interview them asking different questions about the job and so on. I was surprised at how many paramedics and doctors volunteer with surf lifesaving clubs. The Bondi Rescue lifeguards gloated about being offered modeling contracts and flirting with women.

It’s quiet sad that the public is not interested in what really happens along our beaches and the different types of people who are there to help.

My involvement with different organizations has no bearing on this issue. I have no desire to parade around in Speedos pretending to save people in a heroic manner. I fail to see how I would contribute to producing such a show?

I live along the Murray River, it’s better than a beach anyway! :D

My involvement with different organizations has no bearing on this issue. I have no desire to parade around in Speedos pretending to save people in a heroic manner. I fail to see how I would contribute to producing such a show?

I live along the Murray River, it’s better than a beach anyway! :D

That is my point exactly timmy

you are NOT a producer of this show, so how can you really tell what was said/done or wasnt at the scene. A lot of the footage take at all of these 'fly on the wall' reality shows ends up on the editing room floor.

to have the experience in the firelds that you do doesnt really give you the insight to what has been done on this show.

remember that it is a piece of light entertainment for the masses.

dont worry about what they do, how they do it, or what they say....

it doesnt impact on you or the way you carry out your duties, remember to ALWAYS carry out your duties to the best of YOUR abilities.... that way you can prove who does what better in peoples eyes.

no one wants to be played up as a hero, we just want to do the best for the poeple that we are charged to tend to, that is MY main aim.........

and a beach has way more water than the murray at the moment anyway........a dirty mud puddle as it is...

stay safe

merry christmas


Point taken. It's still not right that media broadcast this dibble instead of what really happens, clearly I despise this show with a passion.

Hey! The Murray isn't that bad! I went wake boarding last weekend and didn't get cleaned up by a log.


If that was a reenactment then the patient definitely deserves some acting awards. He looked pretty dead at first, and the post arrest (if thats what it even was) behavior seemed pretty spot on as well. As far as these lifeguards delivering shocks and crappy CPR to a patient who is clearly breathing and moving around, ehhhhh yeah but I guess I wasn't there. Good for them the kid is alive.

I looked up Methoxyflurane by the way. The narrator seemed to suggest that the drug was being given IV or IM, but the articles I read on the drug say it is primarily inhaled. Also, why would this patient need an analgesic? ...Unless they wanted to snow him for a tube? ?? Again, doesn't really make sense...


The narrator says they give him Maxlon (antiemetic) post arrest. I was referring to Methoxyflurane in another episode.


It's a TV show? I thought it was just an amazing coincidence that a camera was there, when it happened. Rather than cameras always there, recording every rescue. Whether the resuscitation is successful, or not.


OOOOOPS forgot about this thread. I didn't even know there was such a show, had I known I would have started a long time ago to watch it :shock: *cough*

Anyways, as far as I'm concerned they brought a life back and they did a pretty good job of it. To me from what I saw it didn't seem like a staged episode/rescue and had it been one, I need the patient's contact info for out next MCI training. This guy is has some crazy acting skills.

Taking my heavy sarcasm aside, I have seen a pretty scary code run by an ALS crew and that wasn't a call I was overly impressed with. We are human and nothing is ever run the way we want it to. Taking also that aside, considering these guys are probably not trained passed strandard first aid, had cameras running and were circled by a herd of sickos who were nothing but curious while having a fun day at the beach-looking on, I think they did very well. Simply a lucky AND good save.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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