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As a male medic/emt do you enjoy working with gay men  

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    • I am fine with it
    • I will if I have too
    • No way dude

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... if they do there job and make me feel comfortable then wtf.

But what if they make you feel uncomfortable? Then what?

By the way, your avatar isn't working. :wink:


I take personal offence to the term "homophobe". Just because I hate homos doesn't mean I am scared of them.

If you must label me, please find a more appropriate term to do so with. But really, if you are going to start labelling people, aren't you sort of defeating your own position?

Good point!

I'll come up with an appropriate label soon!! :lol:


I take personal offence to the term "homophobe". Just because I hate homos doesn't mean I am scared of them.

If you must label me, please find a more appropriate term to do so with. But really, if you are going to start labelling people, aren't you sort of defeating your own position?

That reminds me of a saying I use from time to time:

I don't see colour, I only see black and white!


Good point!

I'll come up with an appropriate label soon!! :lol:


S: (n) homophobe (a person who hates or fears homosexual people)


I guess it fits after all :D


Sorry Dust that the avatar is working i will get right on that. I going to assume that this thread is in a sexual manner. I have been in a very uncomfortable situation with a male straight dr. when i was 20. I was always taught by my mother that it is very important to get pap test on a regular basis once a year. So being the good daughter that i am off i went to the drs office. In the middle of appointment me bare ass to the breeze the dr left the office for 15 min or longer. After a few minutes i became very uncomfortable and out came the shoe horn (boy to be able to bend like that again), and I got dressed. When I again saw the dr it wasn't pleasant for him. For all I know he could have been in a room with a peep hole taking pics or what ever. Needless to say now when I have this lovely proceedure the first thing I say to the Dr. is that i am imagining a target in the middle of your forhead so get this done as fast as possible. Now all that statement does is demonstrate a uncompfortable situation and if I would become uncompfortable with anyone who is gay or hitting on me I would talk it out and if that didn't work just like 20 years ago BAM.

FYI you dont want to ever be my gyno dr. :lol::lol::lol: I just don't have issues with gay people and to tell you the truth i dont have good gaydare to begin with


I guess it fits after all :D

Are we not scientific professionals here? We need a more specific term, not an either-or term like that.

What if you don't hate them, but just really dislike them? What if you don't fear them, but are just sickened by them?

This one term is not suitable for all applications.


First off, homo- means "same," so homophobic would mean fear of something or someone that is the same [say, gender] rather than fear of homosexuality.

Second, as Dust points out, phobos means "fear" rather than "hatred," which is signified by the prefix "mis-" as in misanthrope, which means one who hates mankind.

Hatred of homosexuality would therefore have to be mis-ANDROKOITES, hatred of having intercourse with a man; mis-ARRENOGAMEO, hatred of those who marry men; mis-ARRENOKOITES, hatred of sodomites; mis-ARRENOMANES, hatred of those who are mad after males; mis-ARRENOMIKTES or mis-ARSENOMIKTES, hatred of sodomites; mis-ARRENOMISIA, hatred of sodomy itself, or mis-ARRENOPIPES, hatred of those who looks lewdly on males.

Take yer pick.

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I know we can't be entirely responsible for our likes, dislikes, fears and unease in any situation. Whether it be a person we work with, a patient or even a type of call, in a professional setting we need to put these aside as much possible in order to do our jobs. Anything less would be unacceptable.

If you don't like Black people and treat one with an MI and allow your racism to affect your treatment of the patient, regardless of how much that person may fit any stereotype is the problem not yours?

If you are a woman Paramedic who was raped and have an understandable unease around men fitting a similar description and this experience makes you unable to do your job properly, is this your problem or the patient's?

If you are a Paramedic with a problem with Homosexuals and are assigned a homosexual partner who has committed no wrong against you, the company, the profession or a patient yet despite this you are ill at ease and it effects your performance on the job, is this your problem or your partners?

My point here is that regardless or any personal issues we have on the job, it is our responsibility to control them to ensure they don't affect things on the job. It's been said a few times "I don't care as long as they don't hit on me." or similar remarks. For this, all I can say is that responsibility goes both ways and that were that person, gay or straight to sexually harass their partner, it would then be their problem. Until that happens, your unease is yours, and the responsibility to deal with it and do your job, or to be frank, get out, is also yours.


Dang! All those words, and I'm still at a loss.

I don't have a problem with female homosexuals. I don't have a problem with heterosexual sodomy. I don't have a problem with females who are mad after, marry, look lewdly, or have intercourse with males (or females either, for that matter). So we are still left looking for a word that describes one who hates only males who engage in such behaviour.

Or we could just stop attempting to label people. But that would be too easy.

Why is it that, if a black hates blacks, they are not racist, but if a male hates male homos, he is homophobic?


Well the problem is dust, that liberals think with their hearts and not their minds. They can not grasp the concept that you dislike a group for what they do, therefore your dislike is irrational and a fear in their eyes. I have the same problem with Muslims. Until the "good" muslims stand up and confront the "bad" muslims, I will hate them all. Call me whatever you like.

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