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There have been several discussions on the forums lately that turned into a major pissing contest about who is or isn't professional. It seems that some of us have widely different opinions on what makes one professional or unprofessional, and are very unbending on their views.

Some very nasty attacks and unkind words have been exchanged, so I thought I'd open a thread on the subject and see where it goes.

So, to start off, let me state my thoughts, and then you can all chime in or flame on, whichever the case may be.

First off, just because my opinion on a subject differs from yours, doesn't automatically mean that I'm unprofessional. Everyone is entitled to his opinion, and we will never agree on everything.

Secondly, for those of you who brand anyone who disagrees with you, or is a volunteer, or a firefighter, as a Whacker, who made you God?

Have you ever considered that perhaps you could be the one who is in the wrong, or taking a subject to the extreme?

Professionalism has more to do with your patient care, attitude, and not so much with whether you think wearing a t-shirt is ok, or if playing a practical joke is ok.

Finally, as my old drill sergeant told me, "If you are the only one right, CHECK YOURSELF!"


Professionalism is like everything else in life michael ........ its all in the perception of the person perceiving the ideal. What might be professionalism to you might not be to me. I think it varies on the individual that is making the judgement. But then again I could be wrong I haven't had my brain food in 4 days!


I couldnt disagree more sirduke. Professionalism is ACTION not ATTITUDE. I think professionalism can be summed up in one question: Do you do the "professional" thing when no one is looking ? Many of the things that have been questioned as professional activities are things that we do when no one is looking: hazing a rookie, violent or dangerous practical jokes, watching porn at the station, harassing or discriminating against a coworker, torturing patients, refusing to transport patients who need care, are big indicators for what you are really made of.

You are not what you say you are, what you think you are, or what you plan to be. YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO. Some may think you can be unprofessional sometimes, as long as you switch on the professional switch when you get in front of a paitent. I disagree.


Crotch, did you even read what I said?

Attitude leads your actions, I've met several EMS people who looked great in their Class A uniforms, were distainful of all jokes or humor, and yet were in my humble opinion were not professional, because even though they talked the talk, and made a pretense of walking the walk, their patient care SUCKED, and their attitudes did the same.

Guess the point I'm trying to make is this, we will never agree on everything, but just because you don't like my opinion on a subject doesn't give you the right to brand me a Whacker or unprofessional.


Gatta love Army NCOs... they are the only ones who are right, wont appologize, admit or correct themselves when they are wrong but are there for the bettering of their suboridinates. Like Christmas time when you teach your child morals by lying to them. I have the upmost respect for my former NCOs... every pushup that fellow privates pissed and moaned about, every smoke session, and every second of the DS's in our faces... I loved and greatly respected.

Check yourself! Thats a great lesson to be learned.


Anyways, I think proffesionalism extends beyond the care we give. Yes, if your an incompitent care provider then you have more problems than an untucked shirt, dirty ambulance or some in-house jokes. But what good does your compitence make if your patients and the general public cringe at your overall appearance before you kneel before them and put your gear down?

If your attempting to build dry ice bombs outside your station (please dont ask I will not explain further) which is convinently located in view of a church, resturant and 3 or 4 homes... then the care you give will be judged by what they see you doing during down time.

I can also say that what you demonstrate off duty can be of proffesional matters. From personal experiences I have unfortunatley learned the downside to talking sh*t on your public internet profile while it identifies you as someone the public should trust. Either make it a private profile, watch what you say or dont identify your proffesion. Your personal opinions can easily damage the trust of the public.

Again, I agree that the care we provide is what is most important but reputation and appearance is also very important in my opinion. If we make ourselves look bad and lose the trust of the public, it wont matter how good our care is.


Oh I thought he was disagreeing with my statement :D:D


Also I would argue there are not differing views on what is professional, its just that we change the definition of what is professional, so that we do not feel bad about being unprofessional. It is the same arguments we use when we choose to do the wrong thing, instead of the right thing:

For instance, cheating on your spouse is WRONG on every level. But those who do it, find excuses that make it less wrong, so they do not have to feel the guilt for being wrong.

As Forest Gump might have said, if asked: "Professional Is As Professional Does".


I've met several EMS people who looked great in their Class A uniforms, were distainful of all jokes or humor, and yet were in my humble opinion because even though they talked the talk, and made a pretense of walking the walk, their patient care SUCKED, and their attitudes did the same.


I agree fully... but the same can be said for health care providers who dont appear to be clean cut or caring, who cant talk the talk... but truley can walk the walk and provide outstanding care.


I'll have to concede that point, I know a medic who fits that bill to the letter, he looks like Joe Snuffy the Ragman, but he is a great medic.

But still, my contention is that just because Crotch and others don't share the exact same opinion I do, doesn't give them the right to brand me unprofessional or a Whacker.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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