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I want one of those vehicles, where did you get it?

Toys R Us sells them..


I did meet Lord of the Whackers once at an EMS conference. He had a star of life tatoo on his neck (about 3inches tall). But whatever you do, dont be a whackerphobe, whackers are people too.

You should start a "You might be a whacker, if................." thread

The search function is your friend.

We have had several!

Also, we have almost 500 pages of references within multiple strings using the words, "You might be a wanker/whacker if..."


Well I just want to be the first to announce the OFFICIAL EMTCITY 12 STEP PROGRAM TO STOMP OUT YOUR WHACKERISM. For the low fee of $12,000 you can be whacker free. Start 2009 off whacker free. We can curve your urge to be a whacker. We will break this cycle of addiction you have to be the biggest whacker in EMS. Send all money directly to ITK. :twisted: :twisted:

please no credit do not ask :!:


I would love to see those 12 steps ITK, i have a few suggestions:

1. Remove scanner(s) from home and car.

2. You may not wear any clothing that references your profession on your off day.

3. You must learn to have an intelligent conversation that doesnt start with, let me tell you bout the call i ran last night.

4. When you do tell people about your calls, you will no longer be able to embellish those stories (funny how they seem to be the only medics who run 3 shootings a night, every night).

your thoughts .............



2. You may not wear any clothing that references your profession on your off day.
It took me years to get them, so are you going to pay for the replacements that don't mention my profession?

4. When you do tell people about your calls, you will no longer be able to embellish those stories (funny how they seem to be the only medics who run 3 shootings a night, every night).
Especially when your service considers those units that only run 3 shooting calls a tour a slow unit!



But Richard, the rest of us don't work in NYC. The rest of might consider it a good idea to wall up NYC and you can be Snake Plisken.

Kidding of course. I've been to New York twice and found the muggers to among the world's finest. :D


hi, my name isjosh and im a whackr....

When i as at university, my friends gave me a lego fire truck as a birthday present one year. I remembered just how much i Loved lego as a kid, and pretty soon i had all the lego fire trucks, and the lego ambulance and rescue chopper to finish it off. They hide in a box in the closet in the spare room. Every now and then i get them out and have some "free play time"

The missus doesn't know........ :|

I aso have a "big" first aid kit in the boot of my car. I didn't buy it for the car, it leftover from my volly first aid days.

Ca someone help me??

I have these compulsions to take photos of diferent marking schemes on different ambulaces ad i once thought about collecting patches!!!

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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