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I know this has been covered before - online nursing program

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What is the best online nursing program out there? Is that program accredited?

I have a paramedic co-worker who is wanting to do this and time constraints and travel constraints may force her into the online nursing school world.

I know Vent and Dust and AK have given great information in the past but I can't find those posts even with using the Great and Illustrious search function we have here.

I think that she is turning towards the Excelsior program. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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Here are a few of the states that don't like Excelsior which is the one of the only accredited NLN online programs.

Alabama State Board presently evaluates Excelsior College graduates on an individual basis.

Georgia State Board presently accepts Excelsior College graduates through reciprocity but will not allow them to sit for boards.

Illinois State Board does not recognize Excelsior College degrees.

Louisiana, Washington, and Florida State Boards accept all who were LPN's.

California also had strict requirements for their grads.

Once could end up doing up to 1000 hours of clinicals after the program or working for 2 years in another state before applying for a nursing license in their state.

Check with you state nursing board first AND make sure they do not have any pending legislation that will pass before you finish the program.

There is a stricter update for GA which I believe they may not accept the online program at all.

Careful with some of what you read on Flightweb. Some that rave about the Excelsior program are still sitting in the Flight Medic seat making medic pay. They may be an RN by letters behind the name only.

Nursing is the only degreed and Licensed profession to still have an online program for entry level but that could be quickly changing.

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Here's the page with some of each state's requirements before they accept or don't accept Excelsior:


I would say it is a decent program for an LVN/LPN who is disciplined enough for home study. Paramedics that have never worked in a hospital before will miss out on a lot of little details that few nurses will have patience to precept them on basic nursing care if they try to seek employment later. It would be like having an Paramedic who never learned to take a BP or start an IV. Thus, the hospital system I work for does not hire online grads for the ED or the units. That is even after they have worked in another state for two years since work environments can vary greatly and some will try to take the easy way out.

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