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It appears that the EMT who gave the interview after helping Travolta's son is in a bit of trouble.


It seems that this emt and 2 other people (both members of parliament) have been arrested in an extortion ring.

This EMT I always thought was a dirtbag and now it's true. (or isn't until proven guilty)


Wait. I don't get it. I read it, and it left me confused. What's the scheme?


the article doesn't give much info but what I can gather is that there was some extortion plot regarding medical records and the like.

There has also been some questions about the male nanny and his relationship (not sexual) with the family and especially the son.

I'm looking into it more.

and yes, tonight I don't have a life because all I'm doing is waiting for the 911 phone to ring. I'm sitting in the eMS room just waiting


ok, so a quick google search - apparantly the EMT's there took pictures of Jett dying and are now asking 20million from the Travoltas to keep them out of the public hands.



This entire story is very sad and very irritating. My sympathy goes out to the Travolta family for their loss and best wishes to finding the a**holes who are trying to blackmail them. I understand that everybody is hurting for money in todays society, but this is not the way to go about it. I am suprised that the blackmailers were even able to get pictures. I would think that someone within this event would have caught on to the pictures being taken and done something about it, but I also understand that no one really has the entire story. Good luck to the family


Doing this to anyone, is wrong, whether or not he's an actor makes no mind. I think the world would be a better place with out people like this. But that's just my opinion. What ever happened to lining people up against a wall, and shooting them after the trial? Save us a lot of sorely needed money.

Rant on.

Asking for $20M is NOT hurting for money... and it's not even in the US. I don't feel sorry for the guy, I wouldn't care if he's homeless. He's a conniving pr**k, that wants to get something for doing nothing. Playing with peoples emotions, and feeding off of grief and sadness. It could do serious, life long harm to this family. Every person is at least 3/4 responsible for their own lives. The other 1/4 isn't society's problem to deal with.Rant off.


What I found odd was the amount of information he released about the call. Didn't sit right with me so I'm glad to hear something happened, makes a lot more sense to me now.


What these people were trying to do sickens me. What makes them think they have a right to do that? My coffee hasn't hit yet so that's about all I'm going to say...for now.

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