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I am so close to starting paramedic school I can taste it- I aced paramedic prep, did well on the entrance exam (math/english/science), got an A in A&P, have over a year of quality EMT experience.... the only thing standing in my way is my paramedic school entrance interview on Monday morning- do any instructors or paramedics have any advice regarding common questions?

From what I understand, the interview is divided into three main parts: getting to know you, medical/trauma basic EMT knowledge, and ethical/scenario based questions...

any help is much appreciated!


I can not be specific about this interview, as I didnt need to take one. But I do have general interview advice, as I know what I would be looking for if I were interviewing possible medic candidates:

1. Dress and groom yourself appropriately.

2. Be early, not on time.

3. Do not get diarrhea of the mouth. When you talk on and on you tend to screw it up. Give brief, honest answers.

4. Dont lie, everyone can spot a liar through body language now.

5. Dont say anything negative, keep your answers positive.

6. Practice answering the questions you pray they dont ask you. Think of the most difficult question they could ask you. For instance, "tell us about a real call, where you were onscene as an EMT, but wished you were a Paramedic."

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