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Do Paramedics deserve wages comparable to Police Officers and Firefighters?  

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    • No

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Though I have not visited EMT City for a while it still is one of my favorite EMS sits on the WEB.

Friends I ask that you take the time to visit this web site http://www.saveourparamedics.com/

This is a site developed by the Ambulance Paramedics of BC CUPE Local 873. WE are the men and women who serve the Province of British Columbia for the BC Ambulance Service. Currently we are in collective bargaining for a new contract for our members. The managers of BCAS have offered us a 2% raise the first wage increase in 5 years! This is while our allied Emergency Workers the police and firefighters have seen wage increases in double digits for the same period annually. WE have asked for wage parity with other Emergency personnel and have been told by our managers that we are not as trained as them nor do we do the same type of work. Yet day in day out Paramedics Police and Firefighters attend the same calls together, work with each other and take on the same risks.

Right now a full time Paramedic in BC earns $20-30,000 per year less than a Vancouver Police Constable or Vancouver Firefighter with the same seniority. I ask you is that fair?

BC has had the best economy in Canada for the last 4 years and will be hosting the 2010 Olympics and Paralympics in Vancouver and Whistler. The Government of BC will be holding a general election in May. The Premier Gordon Campbell is going for a third term. On winning his last term his government enacted a bill that CRIMINALIZES any negative advertising against the government 90 days prior to an election. Comparisons to some dictatorship aside, WE need to get the message out to the public that the Government of BC is dis-values it's Paramedics. Recently we were compared to Care Aids, Lab Techs and LPN's by the management of BCAS's negotiation team when we asked for higher wages.

Please visit http://www.saveourparamedics.com/ and read about our current campaign and join us in our fight to a livable wage.

Thank you

Ambulance Al PCP


Had already closed this without reading, but decided to come back for a moment and let you know a more organized post with more line breaks and spaces that's easier to read might lead to more people reading or scanning through it. I scan through a lot and if it's all in one huge paragraph, I usually skip it.

Since I thought your cause is probably good, I took the time to write this. Not trying to be mean, just letting you know.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Ambulance Paramedics of BC have voted 96% in favor of strike action. This puts us in legal position to strike come April 1/09 the expiry of the current collective agreement.


I think BC PAramedic do deserve greater pay but you should not be asking yourselves (or us) this question as we have a vested interest in a positive answer.

Why don't you poll the citizens of BC from local papers, tv channels and local internet sites. Also do a seperate poll involving the fire dept, police and nursing community.

THEN you will have an unbiased repose and reflection as to the appropriateness of increased salires.

To win such a request from your employer you need outsiders on your side.



Hey Crotch you're confusing BC with Ontario and Alberta. BCAS is running is really weird system where the urban areas get modern, well paid EMS and the rural areas get f'ed. Because the province maintains total control over EMS there is no room for the munipalities to increase their own level of service and the people who work in these areas are not paid well at all.

That being said, sod-off. The gains made in education, professionalism and as a result pay and benefits by Paramedics in parts of this country has been hard fought and has resulted in a system that's not falling apart. You don't have to sympathize with the Paramedics in BC, but don't denigrate those that are working to make EMS more than a stepping stone to fire or nursing.

The medics out in BC have my full support. Such as it is from a student with no say, sway or power. Best of luck guys!


Hi Guys,

I would like to reply to each of your comments individually;


You are absolutly right. Preaching to the converted is a bit masturbatory but it is nice to see what my fellow EMS brothers and sisters think. We have the public support. The website saveourparamedics.com is getting the word out to the public. Many of us have put banner decals in the windows of our personal vehicles to advertise the site. The public is talking and supporting us.


I know that is some places $60K a year seems like bankers wages but in BC that is barely middle class. We live in the most expensive province in Canada. Until the latest world market downturn housing was through the roof with an average detached home in Vancouver costing $700K! Our gas is taxed to the hilt as are many other necessities like liquor and smokes! lol. A Vancouver Police Constable makes $80K/year and a Firefighter $85K. We are way behind the other emergency workers we respond with to the same calls.

Doc Harris,

First off cool handle. We used to have a DJ here in Vancouver that goes by that name. A bit of a legend. Secondly, thanks for your support. As a new student to this profession you can appreciate what it would be like to come out of school and have to work for a service that for the first five years will only pay you your full wage when you get a call. The rest of the time you carry a pager for $2/hour or have to sit standing by in the station for $10/hour. How long would it take to pay off your student loan? Many of my students upon graduation head for the oil patch where they can pull down $400/DAY! Or they head off to other EMS in Canada where they can step into a full time gig from day one and make far better a wage than any full timer here does.

It is important to consider that if we all support each other we further the whole profession in bettering the pay scales, profile and public image of Emergency Medical Services.

Thank you all who have visited the site www.saveourparamedics.com or that have PM'd me to offer support.



I can assure you that your next door neighbours are also watching very closely ALL the proceedings, especially CUPE members ... We in "conservative land" have also been changed to essential services ... therefore LEGALLY not allowed to strike.

Thing is at least you have one union representing your members as "multiple" unions are competing for our membership votes ... the divide and conquer scenario, HSAA is being forced down the throats of the major cities ... BY the Government.

Seriously you stand a far better chance to gain parody with other essential services than we in Alberta .. as we lack solidarity and are generally in up heaveal with this government control scheme and transition to a "provincial system"

Cheers and in Solidarity.

Please remember this:

If you continue to think the way you have always though, you will continue to get what you have always got.

Is it Enough ?

Hey Crotch you're confusing BC with Ontario and Alberta. BCAS is running is really weird system where the urban areas get modern, well paid EMS and the rural areas get f'ed. Because the province maintains total control over EMS there is no room for the munipalities to increase their own level of service and the people who work in these areas are not paid well at all.

That being said, sod-off. The gains made in education, professionalism and as a result pay and benefits by Paramedics in parts of this country has been hard fought and has resulted in a system that's not falling apart. You don't have to sympathize with the Paramedics in BC, but don't denigrate those that are working to make EMS more than a stepping stone to fire or nursing.

The medics out in BC have my full support. Such as it is from a student with no say, sway or power. Best of luck guys!

Agreed and well said !


You're not alone. We are going through contract negotiations right now as well and the company has offered us similarly paltry wage increases (that amount to cuts when you consider other takeaways and cost of living increases). Our managers haven't had the gall to say out loud that they think we are actually worth less than firefighters, though. Those kinds of words tend to incite a lot of anger, which I hope is helping your cause over in BC.

For whatever its worth, you have my full support. Good luck!

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