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I believe most of the UFO sightings are just future military craft that we have never seen. I have never seen a UFO or an alien, but at the same time I think it is arrogant to believe that we are the only form of life in the whole universe (especially since we do not even know the boundaries of the universe, new galaxies are routinely discovered). So how about some of you out there in UFO-Central (midwest US), have you ever seen one ?


Spenac must be an alien... he wrote babys instead of babies.

Im with ya crotchity... its far to big a universe and I watch way to much Stargate, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis to believe we are alone.

I once dated a VERY Christian girl... and we had this discussion. Im a sci-fi fan and I also just like to think outside the box. I asked her why aliens couldnt exist and the second best "explanation" she came up with is because nothing can be more powerful and intelligent than God. Ok I confess I am not a religious person, spiritual at best but not religious. Now someone correct me if Im wrong but who said that anything capable of interstellar travel or just simply living on another planet is automatically better than God? Who said they were even nessecarilly more intelligent than us? Even if they could travel far in space, they could still be dumb as hell. The only reason we cant achieve such travel is because we dont have enough money to keep our space shuttles from blowing up. I know that was harsh but I mean that with deep and morbid respect to the fallen shuttle and apollo crews.

Her best and more legit explanation was that there isnt a planet out there capable of sustaining life. Makes a little more sense but says who? Just because we breath oxygen along with all other living organisms on this planet dosnt mean that any living organism in existance has too. It also means that we need to explore beyond our solar system before someone who isnt even a freaking scientist let alone dosnt own even a kiddy telescope can just say there arnt other planets like earth.


Kinda figured that was a given one, new discoveries on this planet that is.

Rest assured every time some dead and rotted animal washes up on the beaches of New London (Connecticut) its always this famed monster from some island in the sound. Frankly I think the media and dumb parents of young kids need to chill out and realize dead things decompose. They also need to realize that Plum Island (an animal testing facility for infectious diseases) is near by.

  Christopher.Collins said:
The only reason we cant achieve such travel is because we dont have enough money to keep our space shuttles from blowing up. I know that was harsh but I mean that with deep and morbid respect to the fallen shuttle and apollo crews.

What does it matter? The agency that intentionally murdered them in the name of budget increases didn't respect them.


Perhaps they should treat our shuttles as they do Airforce One. Yea sure a shuttle is alot larger than a 747 especially if you include the SRBs and fuel tank... but theres no excuse to be strapping a group of people to hundreds of thousands of pounds of feul and multiple rockets then saying ooops we forgot to check an O-ring. Sure this isnt something that happens often and sometimes stuff happens after an inspection but theres really no excuse.

The Appollo 1 astronauts? I mean an oxygen enriched environment, full of electronics and condensation... its really a no-brainer and in my personal opinion should have been even for 1967. They've got people that can think up all of these great gadgets but not a potentially obvious scenario?


1) When I was still in single digit years old, I saw a triangle formation of 3 lights leaving luminous trails flying in a westerly direction, perhaps 10 at night local time. When they were viewed at about a 45 degree angle upwards from my eastern exposure window, the three lights seemed to bounce off some unseen wall, at a 90 degree angle, luminous trails crossing, but maintaining the triangle formation, as they then headed north, over the Jamaica Bay, towards Canarsie, Brooklyn. I watched until they went behind the house just north of me.

I mention that I live near Kennedy International Airport, then still called Idlewild International Airport, and the then still active Floyd Bennett Naval Air Station, better known as Naval Air Station-Brooklyn, and now the command unit of Gateway National Recreation Area. Only the NYPD Helicopters fly from there routinely nowadays, with well publicized flights landing on their one available runway every few months.

(When the USS Intrepid Sea/Air/Space Museum underwent it's renovations, they kept the Concorde SST at this airfield, brought there, and moved away on the museum's reopening, by barge.)

2) I once read a sci-fi book, which had a Jewish Earth girl getting married to a Martian. The family objected, until they met the Martian, who was wearing a Jewish prayer shawl and cap. Turned out he was a nice Jewish boy, just one from Mars! So, for the religious amongst us, perhaps we can say God truly is everywhere?

  spenac said:
I have seen many aliens. I have even delivered their babys. :shock:

I almost married one! :shock:

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